
Check out what decided to park next to me last night.
I think I’m in love :smiley:


wow really makes our beloved car look old, ugly, and slow.

shame on you EVO

but next to a car like sashas and it wouldnt seem so badass

Yeah, but look how low the beloved 240 is compared to it… :smiley:

What a mint Evo though…

personaly i dont like that evo that much at all . i will give it one thing its a nice car for a newer car out there but thats all . i think pop ups or a silvia s13 s14 and s15 beat the piss out of it .


Hey wow is that a red 1991 Trans am parked next to that red thing in the middle ?

holy crap, did you guys check out the shade of blue on those dumpsters???!!




yo wtf? thats retarded man, that’s the 1st thing I noticed.

thay dont have that shit here in toronto… odd man, odd…

Did you get any shots of the Trans-Am next to it?

it would make a nice nostalgic piture dipicting the evolution (scuse the pun) of street racing.

oh man, how do i get ahold of the people who did such a fabulous job paving that parking lot?

and the sky, oh man, what can i say?

There’s no sky in those pics, Bing… :nuts:

no, unfortunatly not.
I have seen enough of those to not need pictures of them.
I just shot photos of the evo cuz I was surprised to see one in Scrabrough,
and he parked next to my baby so that gave me an excuse to take photos
of my car :smiley: :smiley:

meh nothing special, theres one at my school (u of t) with new york plates

Is the one at York black? I see that one in scarb/markham area a lot.

I don’t understand what the big deal is with the Evo, people go so crazy over them.
Or maybe they are nothing special to me because I just got back from Greece where I got tired of seeing them around :dunno:

lol I didn’t even notice the dumpstars. I did see the Trans Am. Latly I have seen alot of that model Trans Am too. And alot of them look really good. Oh yea the Evo is nice too I like his “shocker” sticker 1101