Evolve wing?? Who has pictures?

Anyone OG enough still have pictures of this???



We need to mount a replica on the Volvo

I have a close one with a giant one on a civic towering over Viper

I remember southlake meets you could see the giant shadow from his wing against the buildings…hahaha

I remember the previous owner putting that thing on in ECC autobody. LOL (and when the car railsid across the entire lenght of a median because the previous owner didn’t notice he was in trying to pass in the left turning lane of a divided highway)


Micah has a pic of him looking up at it doesnt he? or was that somebody elses wing?


Is that ninja matt and Marc to the left?

Oh shit son…

That car was on so many mis-guided adventures. I was very happy to see it go…

you’re just sad because you lost your acquired puerto rican heritage…


Sooooo many jokes made about that wing… and that was before evolve had it.

I would have to scan in photo’s of that car from the previous owner if you really want to get “OG” (damm i am getting old).