SO THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE. You just keep coming on here to say the same shit.
…Grow up.
SO THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE. You just keep coming on here to say the same shit.
…Grow up.
Dude easy on the roids, just post some proof. I dont think anyone is really taking sides just yet :rofl
The question is who hasn’t fucked Slows06s girl?
Without proof your just running your mouth and nobody is going to believe either one of you until there is some hard evidence. All it is right now is two people pointing fingers.
isn’t slowzo6 girlfriend sweatyandready? the girl who is ON THIS FORUM
Wait, what?
No, that was established way earlier in this thread I believe.
oh fawk my bad
So hes cheating on his gf with sweatynready?
I guess i missed that…
Was z06 bro talking to me?
So I tamed the trouser snake to your gf’s pics, so what? Why else would you post them?
Can I get one where she’s like, spreading her labia out and whatnot. That’d be cool.
how did slowz even get back in the s/r section when i puled him yesterday ? sounds like the cocky little showoff got caught and is trying to blame johny to me . why isnt he banned for threats ? peeps have for less than ?
:popcorn this is hilarious
Cant even post up naked chicks on shift without drama