Since when is this an acceptable post in CAR CHAT
u think its done.
jsut dotn be surpirsed when ur down for the count again.
jeeeesee whos mike hunyh?
next time ill bring my older brother too jsut incase i get rusheddddd hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah
ivernever seen a whit eboi get so red off of one punch
stuttterr stuttttttterrrrrrrrrrrrr
You moderators are doing your job real well :rolleyes:
Round of applause for you guys!
some-a-bodys gonna get a hurt realll baddde…
please keep your language PG-13 for all the young’ns on the board… them and their virgin ears!
b2bskyline is Mikey… he’s just acting tough, he’s harmless and we know it.
however, fyi, mike is in Australia right now so that may be why moderation seems light.
thanks for your concern
im not harmless.
i jsut had enough of lewts bs that he talks when i dont even know him.
he got wat he deserves.
i love son:) and bing.
oh this is mieky btw. cus bing still ahstn made me a member 
mike is back from australia