Exercise Bike

selling this for my parents, works great. we’ll start at $50

If it works I’ll take it cash ASAP! Consider it sold.
Please PM and let’s set something up.


pm’d ya

Got it. Do you think this will fit sideways in a suby outback wagon? If not I’ll have to make other arrangements.
If you’re around the bike and can measure that’d be cool. Sheit…worst case I can unbolt the seat half I’m sure and split it up.
I work till 4 today and I’ll call you when I get out.


I gave you a ring at 4:15 and left a VM.
Let’s shoot for tomorrow night if it’s an option and you’ll be around. I want to scoop this up asap. 8)

Thanks for calling me a troll. LOL :wink:
Kidding…thanks for helping me load the beast into the car. Leaving you feedback now.

Hahahahhahahahha ya I thought you were cubancrisis lol

nice meeting you man!