Exhaust Help


You would.

GTFO nicole

GTFI nicole

no thanks

<----- opens up, jumps head first.

awe guys, its awefully humid in here. someone hand me a wet nap please!

:lol Hello… hello… hello

I’m not a floozy guys, it’s not that wide open in there.


so nicole is there any tread left on the tires or is it pretty much just like throwin a hot dog down a hallway at this point?


someone send me down a flashlight please. i cant see with all these hotdogs floating around.

:lol Nah man there is some left, maybe not for you though :ohsnap

Wow, Steve is greedy.

if im not mistaken fellas, im the one inside this hot, moist, oderific cavern sitting on a stalagtite typing to you from my laptop.

BWAHAHAHA this thread is hilarious, im sorry Nicole.

Let me get my boots and rain gear on, I’m on my way in!

bring the kevlar vests.

E, youre killin me
and dont say “thats what she said”

Kevlar damn!

thought you said i wasnt THAT small?!?!!? :frowning: