Exhaust Help

they are hyper sensitve …remember that nite at mc.d’s???..u never told me u had them done i was too busy playing with them thats how i found out…remember thats how we got started in on my peircing

hey celica gurlllll let me know if your piercing sensitivity gets to be too much to handle, www.ryansautodetail.com is looking to expand its services to therapeutic massages as well, PM me for details

I go away for a meeting and all I come back to is posts without pics as promised.

I am disappoint.


08siverdildoe boy has now infected this whole thread with the AEDS!

now we need the Autos for AEDS.

I heard AEDS can be taken care of with the BAN button mods have

LOLLLLL i just came home myself! I called my boyfriend today and told him about the thread and he read it and shook his head…:haha I worked all day guys!!! haha and please no comments like “ohhh I’m sure you did” coming from you either Andrew…ass :tongue

:rofl:rofl thanks but no thanks

PM received, I’ll see you next Thursday! :excited

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl nawt :tongue


lol :wtf

11AM or 11PM? Either works for me.

:lol:lol:lol:lol you won’t give that up will you?? hahaha


hi im kramers mom ,i saw slowmaros nuts



whats so funny

and now YOUR neg reppin me??? i see how it is. that kids a douche i don’t like him, he looks like mclovin to me

and THIS is what’s funny :lol

quit doing reverse psychology and answer the question! we all know you’re PM’ing me. JEEZ