
I dunno man I have been watching though shit like this all night

Dude no.


It’s fake.

I think some people bullshit BUT others I really think its possible


This bottles my mind.

You’ve been watching exorcisms all night?! :ohnoes

yes unfortunately so, This cold I got has fuct me all up, I stay awake for 24 hours or more then sleep like 3 to 5 hours and back to 24 hours or more

See unfortunately there are so many things out there that are unexplained, and yes I have had my own encounters with some freaky shit, I have seen shadow demons and other shit, at first I thought it was bullshit till I did some research right to the point where my apartment USE to be a cemetery that they dug up all the bodies and moved them to build an apartment complex after dealing with all the bullshit and even my roommates getting scared as hell from the shit we saw we all moved the fuck out. I could see someone with a weak mind getting possessed without a doubt.

I have seen shadow demons

A what a what?

LoL not to freak ya out not saying it would either BUT its actually like a black shadowy fog That looks like a winged bat type person with a triangled face with the slanted eyes that you can see right through to the whole thing. Let me tell ya when I saw this thing in the corner of my living room and this thing motivated across the room through the wall into my roomates room and the kids in the upstairs apartment started screaming. I knew the upstairs neighbor so I ran up there and the kids were crying about shit moving in there closet and there room was directly above my roommates room, I told himwhat we saw downstairs and what had happened thats when we ALL decided to move out.

I love ghost stories. :lol

P.S. it didnt have glowing eyes or anything it was just like blank air for where the eyes were, yeah I remember this shit like it was yesterday

and then we have shit like this… homo sexual demons :rofl:rofl


Oh, I see.

yeah I wish that was the case