Holy shit 540 guys grandmas house

Ok so heres the story. Wayne’s (540guy) grandma died about a month ago and his his little brother and his mom pretty much moved in to the house. Since then a lot of people have been saying the house is haunted which i always find hard to believe because ive never really seen nething myself. I was even more doubtful when the busted out the ouji board a couple nights ago and nothing happened the entire time they wer messin with it. So i was like ya bs this house aint haunted. Well tonight was a completly different story. I went over there tonight and as soon as i sat down on the couch me and the 3 other people in the house heard some ligh banging upstairs. Right as i was saying its proly nothing, the power went out. At this point the banging got louder and me and tony (99civicex) watched the screen door in the kitchen open and close several times by itself. We heard weird hissing and eventually we wer all basically crying and laughing at the same time and ran out of the house. As we wer sitting outside freaking out me and wayned mom noticed that the back porch light was still on and u could see the archway into the kitchen. We watched as someone walked back and forth by that archway about 10 times. I was sure it wasnt a trick on my eyes this person was walking very slowly. A few minutes later the lights came on and we walked back in. When we walked back in the rocking chair was on top of the couch, blankets were thrown everywhere and the triangle piece from the ouiji board that used to be in the dinding room was now in the kitchen. At this point i thought someone was in the house messin with us and i made wayne walk me thru the whole house to see if there was neone in it but when we got to the basement the lights wer flickering on and off and he said they never do that. So this is the point in my life when i really start to believe that ghosts exist. At this point the lights go off again. This time more things were thrown at us. I was asking where the hell the flashlight was and after i asked that i heard and saw something scurry into the kitchen and just stop dead in the doorway. When the lights came back on sure enough there was the flashlight. Also there was a knife stuck thru a beer box. A radio that was unpluged and in the dining room landed on the floor in the kitchen and turned on for a good 5 seconds, the fridge was opening and closing, and not to mention the unbareably loud punding this entire time. I know im going to get flammed and made fun of for this but i dont care because this is the most real shit i have ever experienced. There are also several people on this board who were there and can back me up. I dont wanna go back to that house. O and his grandmas car always turning on by itself randomly.

You ever heard of paragraphs?


Thats crazy

well ya but idk im just typing on the board i never really thought of doing it properly its just nyspeed lol

john donovan will scare the ghosts away.


i heard he can scare away terminal illnesses as well :gotme:

Use the Ouija board to smack melissa. J/K john.


Edit: take me there, I do not believe unless I see it first hand. I’m not calling you a liar, I just want to experience it for myself. Please take me there.

^^^^ same here

^ Nyspeed meet?

^^^^ wayne may give you a hickey but w/e lets make it official

I wanna check this shit out. Sounds fucking sweet. And I probably will scream like a girl.


sounds like a good time to me :slight_smile:

Oooo sounds like a fun time. :slight_smile:

I believe ya… I had a pretty crazy experience in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

nothing quite like you described though… I also want to check this place out :tup:

you guys are such tools.

uhhmmmm, no. Im not going near that demon house.lol especially since you invited in evil spirits and shit with the ouji board. Way to go morons. theres only 2 things that i dont fuck with. 1. is spiders and other similar insects, and 2. fucking evil knife throwing spirits that are pissed off because there trapped in our dimension.

bad joojoo shit there man. your on your own.lol good luck

I want to check it out.