Ouija Boards...

what do you think of them? believe, don’t believe? any experiences, and so on. i kind of want one, but i was threatened by my roomate that if i get one he’ll kill me lol. i won’t get it, cause i don’t want to piss anyone off, but then again i’d like to try and get my own experience with one too. so yeah, tell me what ya think!

i never got anything from them… but i already told you that…

a board that is hyped up to make you believe that you can contact spirts… its fake… want a good watch on it tho? go rent witchboard and witchboard 2… the first one is decent altho its obviously fake… number 2 just plain ole sucked… i remember these from b ack when they were banned from walmart kmart and target… i dunno where you get one these days…

I’ve heard stories from my parents and other kids parents of weird things happening when they were playing it when they were kids, including light bulbs burning out, doors slamming, etc.

True? No idea.

I never really believed in ghosts until I lived in my last apartment where lots of weird stuff happened, but I’ve never played with a Ouija board.

i wont be in the same house as one.

I call :bsflag: on them.

i’ve personally never used one, but a bunch of my friends have and will not touch one ever again

Mine was made by parker brothers or milton bradley or some shit. I suppose that there could be people out there that may be able to use them but im sort of on the fence.

Why not? They’re good fun.

just have a dickhead in the group… to start moving the thing… i think thats what the whole fun of it is… just one practical joke on your friends

they don’t work. we should start a lawsuit against any company that makes them. lol

never had anything wierd happen over here. When my cousins and I were little kids, we used to sleep over each others house and play with a ouija board… Of course something always happened, but I’m 99% positive it was always one of us trying to scare each other

i remember using it like once or twice, and nothing happened at all. like others said, it all depends if you have that certain someone in the group that wants tp try and be an ass. who knows, cause some stories are actually pretty messed up.

People believe Sylvia Brown too


i’ve never used one, but if i did, it wouldn’t be that faggot plastic one it would be a real manly one made from jerky and human bone.

lol newman, way to give this thread that maddox touch.

LMFAO! :lol: thats awsome.

well, I’ve seen one get pulled out from under everyone’s hands and get ripped in half mid air. babysitter quit that night.

But I don’t think the board actually had anything to do with it, that bitch haunted the house even if we were playing monopoly.

now that’s fucked up, lol. i just made one, but i don’t know what to use as a “pointer.” i figured i’d test my luck with it and see if anything happens.

You can use anything… the fact that you already made one, means making the pointer is the easy part.