so im pretty sure my apt is haunted

so ya…like the title says…

heres the experiences we have had here:

we moved in in June, after about 2-3 weeks of living here i came home from work one night…walked up the stairs and as i was going to open the door i notice the shadow of a something walk past the door… i open it, no1 was there, my roomate was in the back in his room, there is noway anyone is that fast, esp. him

next exp: start hearing foot steps in the attic walking from the front to the back.

another time i was takin a poop and no1 was home and somethin slammed against my bathroom door…I WAS THE ONLY PERSON HOME.

then a buddy of mine moved into our spare room… my other roomate alreayd left for work, i got up used the bathroom then went to work, i get a text from brian asking who i was talking to that mornin, i said no1, he asked if i said anything at all, i said i never said anything…

he too starts hearing the footsteps up stairs and in the apt…

another time i was home alone watching tv, then i heard a glass slam in the kitchen…went out there nothing was there

my roomate greg and i were in the kitchen talking one night…only two in the apt, he was facing the living room he saw a shadow move in the living room, then the same night saw the same kind of shadow in the kitchen

yet another time i ran out to my truck to get somethin, the chick i was seein at the time was in my room sleepin, other roomates werent home, i left the door open a crack, came up the stairs and i saw the same shadow i saw the first time, but it went towards the side of the door where the opening was…never saw anyone walk by…

and just now i went in the kitchen to grab a beer…threw somethin out took a step back towards my living room and saw a misty figure go accross the room…

moral of the story…EVERYONE NEEDS TO LIVE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE…this is awesome

paging redrum… i remember his stories…

edit: where do you live?

south buffalo…in an old south buffalo house…which is why i dont really pay attention to the “footstep” sounds

call TAPS

get some EVP

my recorder is at my moms house in springville… gay we tried with my phone one night but i can only record 15 sec clips

any cameras?

my digital took a shit in allegany a couple weeks ago

dude do your own investigation it sounds fucking awesome.

Sounds fun, ghost sleepover party?

Awesome! Maybe?

My buddy’s childhood home was ‘haunted.’ I would never think to believe in this nonsense if I hadn’t basically grown up in that house. Ugh.

where in south buffalo man?

stevenson and seneca…the trash side of the creek… :lol:

… or just lay off the PCP?

Maybe there is a live person in your attic eating fish heads.

thats like what happens at 540 guys house i posted something about it a few months ago. They are remodeling the upstairs now and it is realy pissing off whatever is in their house. Power has been flickering on and off a lot and lots of banging. Also seeing a lot more shadows than we usually do.

OMG vids~!!!

or maybe they fucked something up. :eyebrow:

ghosts != reality

atually the house has been doing weird shit long before they started remodeling, including the power going off, its been acting weird since before his grandma died kuz it was her house and ever since she died its been really fucked up. i wanna buy a camera and take it there with me every time i go kuz it happens randomly. Sometimes nothing will happen for like 2 months then one night it will be fuckin crazy.

who ya gonna call…