exotics at shannoville..nice pix..

this is probably a very private session…

anyone know when was this?

I found this on another forum.


probably that expensive track day called exotic track days or something like that its on casc in the open lapping days section… they cost like 500 bux a day on regular tracks not even mosport raceway. But if im not mistaken thats with instructor too… i cant remember… I could be wrong though

Yup my friend took those pictures actually, Lucas Scarfone. The event was 29th of Sept I believe. I’m pretty sure these guys rented the track personally and had no instructors.

More pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scarfonephoto/sets/72157622501503242/

hdr photography, the ricers of the camera world.

I actually like HDR when it’s done to look more like a painting then a photo. It is a great way to mix art with photography and create some very interesting results.

i dunno, it looks kinda photo shop~ish to me

He’s been doing photography for years and is booked 5-7 days a week by clients. I think his pictures and image are pretty well settled.

Exactly what I was gonna say, those photos would’ve probably looked beautiful if not HDR’d to hell.

There’s no need to get defensive, no one is questioning your friend’s career or anything like that. Just his poor choice of post processing on this batch of pics. Some are okay, others are not. The SL in the beginning looks great, the 911 and the Ferrari look butchered though.
I don’t know about the rest of his work, so I can’t say, but this set, I don’t think was done very well at all.

yeah, generally speaking most of the heavily post processed and HDR stuff shows a great ability to use photoshop

but not necessarily a great ability to use a camera

I think the pictures look great lol. HDR or not, they are still awesome.


I’ve known Lucas (only thru the internet) for a while…so I’ve been following his photography skill progression and he’s quite good.

Check out his portfolio:

he is still a douche

Excellent Photography look Awesome!!!

Honestly i dont know what some of you are smoking. The guy has skills and these pictures are very well done.

Whatever, haters/jealous probably.

Kudos on Lucas or whatever his name’s photos

^ Yea exactly I dont see any of the people talking shit doing any better…

pics are good, stop hating for no reason

I really fucking hate when people pull that shit. You don’t have to DO BETTER to call someone out for doing a poor job. If that was a requirement, we would live in a really sad world, where mediocre work keeps getting passed off as good.
I don’t have the equipment nor experience to match a professional photographer, but to be perfectly honest, I DO think I can do better than THAT specific set that was posted, and I can say that most of the shots that I’ve taken and processed with my DSLR since I got it, are better than the 911 turbo and F430 pic. You cannot honestly sit there and tell me that the 911 looks good in that picture. It’s just so wrong in so many ways, and the saddest part is, that the original pic probably looked good, until he took the HDR knife to it and hacked it to bits.

Assuming the photographer didn’t get hired to take these shots, i don’t see them being the best he can do anyways.

Maybe he just took some shots for some friends… why would he spend the time to do everything he can to make them look the best that they can if it’s just for fun.

All of you need to get your panties out of a bunch.