So 75k/yr, minus a lot in taxes because anyone considering this is obviously single with no kids. Aka, the anal rape tax bracket.
So lets says 53k/yr net.
100k house - 10k down + 4k closing = 94k financed. 6.25% interest from FHA. 580/month, 7000/yr approx.
Figure 3500 in school/property tax.
1500 for heat.
200 water.
850 electric.
500 insurance.
4000 in food (very modest 80/week, you’re never going out).
So bare minimum to have a roof over your head and not starve, 17550, leaving 35450. Dump in another 2k for the random shit that breaks when you own a house, 33450.
For someone like you, the insurance on a lambo is going to be astronomical. 10k/yr? I’m guessing, but that sounds possible.
6 year loan at 12% (no one is going to give you a normal car rate for this luxury purchase) for 158k (don’t forget 8.75% sales tax on that 145k), which you’ll probably NEVER qualify for making 75k/year, is 3088/month, or 37056/year.
So even if you find some miracle insurance deal for 5k/year, and get approved for this retarded loan, you’re negative $8600 at the end of the year.
You had 0 entertainment. You bought 0 gas. You had 0 repairs for this supercar. You bought nothing but food. You don’t have cable, internet or a phone. You made 0 investments for retirement. You’re still in the hole 8600.
Yeah, people that make 75k a year don’t drive 145k cars. Even if you play with the numbers by saving up a lot of cash and putting a lot of cash down on the car it’s still never going to work.
That about sums it up, some people dont realize that the real cost of housing and your actual take home income.
When you have 35,000 left after your housing expenses I would figure these bare essentials
5,200 for general expenses = $100 bucks a wk
7,300 for FOOD = $20 bucks a day
2,500 for Gas = about $200 a month
So then your left with 20K a year for a car
For a exotic your going to pay 20K in maintainance for 1 year if you drive it for sure.
This does not account for a alternative mode of transport
So this leaves you with no money to insure or make payments on said car.