Explanation is required. psi2high you got fucking SHANKED???

Having a weapon on you is a just bad idea in general.

I’d rather not be a sheep. Especially with the crazy shootings that have been happening all over the place.

Having a weapon like a gun or a knife just raises a bunch of issues if someone see’s it on you.

Since my incident from downtown i’ve had no reason to want to go downtown and I don’t go to places where there could be a problem. There’s too many dudes out there who only go out looking for rouble.

I had no idea Albany was getting so bad, good thing I never go there. Get well soon bro:beer

Fuckin naggers:Idiots

I carry pepper spray in my car after an incident in Albany DURING THE DAY over the summer.

I also have a small pocket knife in my car as well… I’ve seen way too much shit go down around Albany to feel safe at all.

How you feeling Sean?

ORLY? i walk around hvcc every day with either a knife hanging off my belt or one clipped onto my pocket or both, most of the time its visible, nobody starts shit with me…maybe its the combo of the workboots, carhart, and the giant lipper? :lmao

Yea I am no longer traveling down to Albany for any sort of event. The whole way things went down was just unpredictable. Normally I see these things in the paper and figure some drunk kid is running his mouth and ends up shit talking the wrong guy. I really wish there was an actual reason for what happened but there is none. I just got screwed with being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Thanks every one for your concern

hickster for sure

got a problem with that bennyfaggle?

When Jerry Jennings poured all of our hard-earned tax dollars into that shithole line of gin-mills for the Clifton Park richboy idiots and Loudonville morons, everyone in the neighborhoods were screaming. This was a waste of our money. It wasn’t going to bring any REAL money into the city. Everyone knows bars do so much cash business that there’s no real way to collect on them like you would from property owners or real businesses. Business owners don’t care about the city. Everyone knew what was going to happen, all the partiers show up there, they get bored of the place, then all the riff-raff stays. PLUS all the real shitheads from the neighborhoods go down to rob rich people who are to drunk to fight anyways. It was a terrible idea since day one. PLEASE don’t bring anymore weapons into the city. If you’re not a part of the solution… you’re a part of the problem.

I’m sorry about the fella from here who got hurt. Hope you’re doing ok.

maybe i do bitch

i work at jillians… and pepper spray isnt considered a weapon… so carry away.
