Explanation is required. psi2high you got fucking SHANKED???

Yeah, I had one on my birthday. Last I talked to a bartender there, they havent had that many thefts now that they require a license and $40 deposit on the boot

Feel better Sean. Stick to Mondays at bourbon street. Worked for the past 2 years for me and I can drive your pretty little ass all of the 500 feet home

Sorry to hear about this, sir- quick recovery!

Sean, I know all too well of going through something like this. I hope you’re doing ok and they catch this guy that did this to you.

doughboys used to be good, i feel like they dont taste the same since they moved or whatever they did, of course the last time i had one i was sober.

sean u were texting me either friday or saturday, sorry i wasnt there man.

doughoys are best eaten with a buzz !!!

feel better sean.

hope your recovering sean, sucks this had to happen to you, fuckin (racial slur)'s

this cracked me up :rofl. well played sir


Feel better bro, this is bullshit.

I’m done with Albany as well.

No matter where you go it is getting bad.

I had to fend off 4 black guys from my girlfriend at Subway the other day. It was an experience similar to shooing 4 Pitbulls away from a pound of cooked bacon that fell on the floor.

Them: (as we walk by their beat shit car): Yo maa’ whats good?!
Me: Hey! Not on my watch, BRO. As she gave them the, I will kill you with my bare hands look.
Them: Ooooooohhhh shittttttttt. (Along with some other random animal sounds). Back seat driver starts to open his door, as I start to enter Subway.

We get our food to go and walk out. They are still sitting there blaring their queer-ass rap “music”.

Them: (Now standing outside their car): Randomly talking. They stop, all turn and stare at us as we walk towards my car. One guy, the guy from the back seat, starts walking towards us as I am unlocking the car.

Me: I see this out of the corner of my eye, and honestly I am a little scared about what his intentions are. So, I briefly “move” my hunting rifle into the back of the car. Before I could turn to look at him he was walking VERY briskly in the other direction. They ALL got in their car and left.

Yesterday I applied for a CWP for a handgun. Even if it’s unloaded, just having one does the job sometimes.

I advise against carrying an unloaded handgun :rofl

Seriously :rofl

guys if you are seriously concerned for your safety the BEST thing i can advise is to carey pepper spray… trust me i’ve been through enough of this shit i deal with it every week and a quick spray will stop anyone in their tracts. or at least give you enough time to get away. plus you dont get charged with attempted murder for using it.

and on a side not if you’ve never sprayed someone it is HILARIOUS!!!

but mainly sean get better man and enjoy your pain meds…

Bummer dude… I am sorry to hear about this man, hope you get better asap.

Toga is a little better than albany I will say too. Still alot of rich boys who think they are king shit, but mostly talk shit and dont do anything. But I will say watch your GF if you bring one. Every night we go out there I have a problem with some douch that crosses the line, sometimes right infront of you. And also have your GF watch out for other girls, come to think of it I saw more girls fighting than guys so far in toga.

I will say, this past Sat, a friend of mine rented the 3rd floor of the tavern for the night. So douch bags were allowed in and it was fun. Until I passed out at the bar somehow and I remember pukeing in the parking garage down the block, and out the window on Rt 67, and at my house, and the rest of the day sunday… lol I dont know what got into me. haha

I love toga’. Lots of cool places.

yeah kid, it is a bit more expensive but it is more controlled i guess.

Had it on me every night of work… plus assorted other goodies.
Walking to your car by yourself after closing up at 4am I’m not taking any chances.

Where do you work anyway?

Holy shit is this a bad idea.

Get yourself killed this way. The ONLY reason anyone should see a weapon is if you plan on using it. Police will get called real quick when they hear of anyone having a gun.