Man, I guess the only people that didn’t get TOTALLY screwed were the course lappers and drifters. It really came down after everyone left for like 2hrs, but then cleared up for another 3hrs before rain hit again at 7:30pm.
The Drifting was really tricky, since the road surface varied so much in terms of mu - it was like, slip slip grip slip grip - oh well. Still fun though, but the October event should be better.
(“Mu” is the Greek letter (used by engineers) as the symbol for “tire friction to the road surface.”)
Props to all the trophy winners, and thanks again CSCS for your hard effort in hosting this event.
I beat the rain on the way back when you guys started round 2 of the drifting. The entire time i stayed there was NO rain… i guess somebody up there likes me.
Leo, “mu” or µ as many others know it, is the general symbol in physics that describes the coefficient of friction of any object on any surface; not tires on pavement specifically. - Just FYI. LOL. :lol:
But on a serious note, today was really cool. I’ve slid in the rain many times before, but a full track, balls out, this was my first rain experience. I learned a LOT today, especially with the variation in weather. Dry, first rain, hardcore wet with puddles and rain shit, then wet but slowly drying, and finally dry with patches of water all over.
I don’t think i’ve made more than 10 consecutive laps without having to adjust my driving style to the changing weather.
Thanks to everyone who organized this CSCS event, I’m sorry things didn’t turn out as you guys had planned. I know you took a big hit, having to cancel the drag racing and the car show-off…
Congratulations to Chris (canadiandrifter240sx) for 1st place, Vlad (alesserfate) for 2nd place, and Jesse (Jesse) for 3rd. And of course everyone else who came out and STAYED out the entire day (both grippers and drifters). Kudos to everyone.
I look forward to competing with you guys on the 8th of October I promise I won’t spin out next time, hahaha.
Wow, that’s a relatively long post, I think I should head off to bed now
I agree. I just meant that in terms of racing application, the term “µ” is used more specifically…
man, I do send my regards out to the CSCS boys for their loss today. And even more regards to the drag racers who drove out from Quebec and the U.S., only to turn back home!! I hope the drive was nice at least…
It turned out to be an awesome day for sure. Thanks to everyone for organizing this event. Its too bad the rest of the event couldn’t take place d/t unforseen weather conditions.
I had an awesome time, thanks to those that let me take shot gun, and special thnx to Chris (krazyconcepts) and Alex Lee for letting me use the track and being my instructor
Congrats to all the winners you guys were awesome… (Theo you were pretty good too )
It certainly shows the dedication and love for the sport when the only people that remained were the drift and track guys.
The rain sucked huge for the event but you guys certainly helped make the event a little bit better seeing all the cars out there on the track ripping it.
We hope that at some point we can give you guys a more formal award cermony and hopefully a much larger crowd. But this time around the crowd left when the rain came.
I for one, was soaked to the bone. But I’d do it again no questions asked.
Anyways, congrats to the winners, and thanks to everyone for coming out. Hope to see you at the next event.
My 240 has been out of comission this summer bc i was gona sell it but he will be out next summer for sure :)[/quote]
Ok, so THAT was you… haha. When i got there i saw a million people crowding that car’s gas tank or something on the rear quarted panel. I think it was the same car, considering that there werent 2 white wrx’s.
I see your car in trader all the time, shame nobody bought it, especially for that asking price, a little low IMO. :shock:
Black s14 at the top = Chris K. (Slidedogg)
White s13 with the grass paint job = Chris St. John (1st place)
White s13 #1 = Vlad (2nd place)
White s13 #2 = Chris K. (cloudzero3)
White s13 #4 = Jesse (3rd place)
White s13 #5 = Vlad again (I think)