ExxonMobile post highest quarterly profit...EVER

I don’t advocate windfall taxes, but to sit there and say “oh the poor oil companies, they’re only making like half a penny per gallon” is fucking retarded.

I do however think that the government should set up some sort of bureaucracy charged with developing alternative, renewable, domestically produced energy in a movement akin to the challenge we came up with back in the 60’s of putting a man on the moon. It’s by far the most serious threat to this country. Someone could nuke 20 major US cities, and we would be alright in the long run.

But if all of the mideast decided to shut off their oil shipments, we would suffer complete and total economic collapse within weeks or months. Then the government would collapse, all social services would end. This includes the police, fire dept, etc… We’d implode, and the US would look like something out of Mad Max.