f 40 meet ...

more pics


the only thing better than seeing one of those… is hearing one…
music… :slight_smile:

Even better when it is at Watkins Glen echoing through the hills :slight_smile:

Lots more pics here:

good god. i wish they had more pictures of the black one.

That’s awesome, reminds me of the Enzo meet a year or two back.

well I was just chill in a cab on south beach on the way home, what do i here …

Please learn how to aim a camera. Srsly.

gawd…i just came…soooo effing hawt

Please learn how to aim a camera. Srsly.

next time a I am drunk and in a moving car Ill work on that for ya;)

hottest car ever.


Though I saw this comment out of context and totally thought it was about the photos in the OP. I was thoroughly confused. :smash2:

I could only imagine driving down the road and seeing all those come up behind me… I think i would just… I really don’t know what i would do


i just nutted!!!

wow, i’ve always loved the F40’s

awesome to see all of those in one place!

I want one!

+1. I can’t imagine just driving down the highway and seeing that many F40’s all out for a cruise. I know I’d be kicking myself for only having my camera phone with me.

I prefer F50’s but those are nice too

i think they are kinda ugly to be honest, id love to drive one, but i hate how parts are so round then the back is so squared off… :frowning: not my style