F-Bod guys...

I’m saving up for an Fbod, preferably 3rd gen and HAS to be t tops. Just wondering like what kind of things I should look for when buying one, and what can I expect to spend for mods/what is good? I don’t care about being the fastest thing under the sun, but I would like to be in 13s n/a if possable. I’m not planning on anything as of yet, can’t mod a car I don’t have. I know I’ll want exhast, pullies, ignition, cam, plugs/wires…basic shit. what else am I going to want. Its somthing I really want to do but want to do my research first. It will be a good 2-3 months or so, im planning on having one by april.

honeslty get a 4th gen LS1 you’ll be in the 13’s stock for ptobly the same ammount you’d spend

:word: buy a stocker put some tires on it a go racing.




hah! :tup:

I’m JEG on there too lol


pretty loaded question to handle…and it always depends on what you want to spend. 13s na is fuckin simple though, plenty of ways to do that, some better than others

score…well hey when i get it maby can can help me work on it.

Man if all you want is a 13 second Third Gen just get yourself one with a 350 TPI and put a couple hundred bucks into it.

If you can afford it…I agree, get a 4th gen!

clean 3rd gen > 4th gen

average 3rd gen < 4th gen


only thing I dont like about 4th gens is how back the engine is. I’ve never worked on one but looks like it would be a pain in the balls to work on anything.

thats why if you wanna work on it you just rip it out…hehe