F&CK Buffalo and all the H8TERS

Yeah, no shit! Ghetto punks everywhere

got it then i retract my post but i wont edit it cause it was far too rad.

Look at it this way, at least they didn’t see the Viper and do this:

Ok you dont have it that bad marcus! WTF is wrong with those people?

if the shirtless pic was taken up in TO and you wern’t just drinking it’s understandable…
after a few pills sometimes water doesn’t cut it, if your out dancing for hours afters hours your dripping in sweat sometimes it makes sense to take off your shirt.
(don’t do any of that shit anymore just speaking from experiance)
why’s everyone jumping on this guys back anyways?
1.Who gives a shit if he takes it shirt off, more than likely just means your fat.
2. If any of you had a viper you’d like to show it off also, jealousys a bitch stfu
3. why does everyone care what everyone else does in their life, just fucking live yours and once again stfu

Because we are bored during work hours

I guess thats a good excuse :smiley:


wambulense but seriously screw dodges, and skybar, and mexicants, and air but really everyone lets go dt ! Lets burn down buffalo ! awh i’m out fenski u suck



Seriously, skybar is the gayest place I have been to in quite a few years.

The gf dragged me in there last weekend. So many posers everywhere, its hilarious.

werd…my friend dragged me out yesterday…saw a girl role down the window and puke right in front of the club. I rather go to places on Elmwood rather than any of the bars on Chipewa or however it’s spelled.


lol skyclub. makes me laugh everytime.

i dunno i only went there once, but it was off normal hours so no one was there and we went with like 20 people so it was basically just my friends. it was pretty sweet to be outside on a hot ass day instead of being inside with a bunch of sweaty fucks with their shirts off

Skybar sucks.

It was cool when I was working during the winter before skybar opened. I would work at Smokehouse where it is chill all night or at Buckin Buffalo, which isn’t too bad either. Skybar being open is way better money, but I have a day job that takes care of that.

eh… I’ll be glad to be done with that dump.



^why is the tall polski drinking water??