F Comcast

It wont send ANY of my email out… even though I click the send button and it gives me a ‘sent message’ message… nobody is getting my email! FOR 45$ A MONTH COMCAST BETTER SEND MY DAMN EMAIL! :rant:


use gmail silly

:frowning: I hear thats what the cool kids use… I’m still pissed.

f comcast

I can send you an invite for gmail if you want…pm me your addy and I’ll send it on over…

Let me know if you get it or not…:thumbsup:

umm… i set you up wtih a gmail account like 4 months ago

you did? I think you lie… Have I known you that long?!


hi im Comcast ,want to hook up? :naughty:


“Congrats, you’ve been filtered!!111”

You wonder why I refuse to talk to you…

i have NEVER had a problem with comcast, aside from ONE cable modem going bad.


and we’ve had it so long, I think it was TCI@home, or something like that when we got it. Excite@home maybe? I dunno.

because you love fruity ass euro dudes?


gmail = for shizzel

And who do you speak of??? :smiley:


ON demand movies are playing like VHS tapes anymore :rolleyes:
I been getting errors and static all over them :rolleyes: