overated (clap clap clapx3)
played one ranked team all year
weak ass conference
somehow has a 2 RPI
got beat like a red headed step child
Pitt wins out the Big East and takes a 1 seed into the Eastern Region for the big dance.
overated (clap clap clapx3)
played one ranked team all year
weak ass conference
somehow has a 2 RPI
got beat like a red headed step child
Pitt wins out the Big East and takes a 1 seed into the Eastern Region for the big dance.
Originally posted by rookee
got beat like a red headed step child
hey watch how you talk about red heads around here
unless Pitt becomes the 1st #1 seed to lose to #16
I hate to say it but i don’t think Pitt is gettin a 1 seed
there are to many other schools that they like better
Duke, Miss St, Gonzaga, St. Joes, Kentucky, Stanford, etc…
I hope they do, but it won’t suprise me if they don’t
st. joes-duke-stanford all guarenteed 1’s imo
miss state-kent-zaga (media darlings for the last 1)
pitt = media and coaches hate the tough-slow it down big east game hence a 2 seed :mad:
Originally posted by rookee
st. joes-duke-stanford all guarenteed 1’s imo
thats how most people have it…with gonzaga, pitt, miss st. kentucky fighting for the 4th #1
interesting…on ESPN…Vitale has this:
so i guess everybody isn’t anti Pitt
really thou, WTF is the difference, they are gonna have to play someone good eventually
not that way… st joes isn’t good. they have one good player and he’s not that much better than krauser
Originally posted by rookee
not that way… st joes isn’t good. they have one good player and he’s not that much better than krauser
your talking about nelson…but both their gaurds are good…you think nelson is better then chris Thomas from ND?
there is difference in being a good player and a good point guard.
a friend of mine and i just had that discussion…Thomas is a better player/scorer then Krauser but krauser is a better PG…and i think Nelson is similar to Thomas.
did pitt win today?
nelson (from what i’ve seen) may be the best guard going right now. he has all the stuff CT has but at a faster speed, which is what you need in the nba. and don’t even come back saying duhon is better :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Pewterss
did pitt win today?
Originally posted by rookee
is that a yes & the score please!
st joes just played shitty teams all along…
st joes player of the year was embarassing