F1 tuning claims 30% hp increase, 40% tq increase, you believe it?

Rob, Im pretty sure no where in this entire thread did you hear me talk negatively towards you even AFTER the 2nd dyno with the shitty numbers. When I first got the car back with the “tune” completed it felt wierd, I didnt say for certain my clutch was slipping, I said it felt that way and OTHERS suggested it to be the clutch. Morgan at Synapse test drove my car BEFORE the dyno so I didnt waste my money dynoing a car with a slipping clutch and he said it was not slipping at all which is why we proceeded with the dyno… I never expected a 30% increase in anything just like I told you in person however a 2hp increase is a joke… Yes, there was a slight torque increase but when I pay for a pepperoni pizza and you deliver me plain cheese I want you to make it right… You said Torque AND horsepower… Now, all of this being said, I still have nothing negative to say, after all you didnt do anything lol… You shipped out the ECU to someone ELSE and THEY got the code. If you dont want to refund me thats perfectly fine, I spend over $600 a week in gasoline its not a big deal, but dont expect me to encourage people to get your tunes and shop for cars at your location is all… I feel I am entitled to post my experience at your dealership good or bad, whether you want to show good customer service is up to you…

I just read what you wrote again just to make sure I didnt forget to reply to anything and I LOL’d out loud at the part about plastering stuff up on here… Wernt you the 1 who did EXACTLY what I did with a BMW 335? I believe the only difference is that if your dyno results werent good you wouldnt have posted the results lol… I on the otherhand DONT work for autohaus or f1 and DID.