F150>Cobra R>Z06

Originally Posted by PJB View Post
when I think engine mod I think heads, cam, intake, etc. Not something that can be added or removed without any internal work.

Im not a big fan of NOS either but thats because I see it as cheating, making a slow car fast without really doing anything.

LOL on this spraying is CHEATING BULLSHIT!!!

its no different then adding a H/C setup to a motor, or throwing a blower or turbos on it.


because they are all different ways to make power…

Nitrous is NOT cheating by any means…just a different form to make power…if you think its cheating, get out of the scene.


the reason peeps hate bottles is because there is no indicator on if ya have it or not and how much your givin it .look ay my car ,looks stock but i got 2 stages in there ready to go


Cheating at what?

maybe not cheating but def for people who cant afford a real power adder :wink:

i dont like that response .true yes it is but still .lolololololol

dirty horsepower kids just dirty

dont start richie …esp seein as i know your plans lolololol

lol ima spray the hell outta my shittttttttt

thats as dumb as if I were to say Ford couldnt make a N/A setup to compete with GM’s N/A motors.

other words, they need blowers to stay in the game.

what about meth injection, is that cheating too?

holy huge signature batman. Make this shit smaller!

to PJB it is!

fuck, so is weight reduction!!!

I think its cheating in some ways . When I had it in the jetta I would play it off like I didn’t have that little extra edge.

Sooner or later their engine will blow up, I don’t care how “safe” people think it may be, it still adds premature wear to a motor.

ok, thats like me Putting a thunder racing Cheatr Cam in my SS…


you cant hear it, and it drives like stock until WOT…is that cheating?

same principle.

Add wear, sure. Sure ticket to ‘blowing up’, no way.

Not true, Seen this agrument time and time again. If its done right you will be safe.

There is a possibility if you buy a used kit. Andyou experience a nitrous back fire due to the solonoid box getting stuck open.ahaha

Nah, nope. That’s just the owner being sketchy. I mean sure, if you’re talking to some retard and say you’re all motor, that’s fine. Not cheating.

Typical response by someone who has zero knowledge of nitrous, just like when big red said nitrous “sucks”.

I know of guys that have been running it on K series motors for FOUR+ years now, I’m talking 100+ shots, not some little shot. If the car is correctly set-up it will be fine and run like any other forced induction motor.

That statement is like saying when someone puts a turbocharger on their car that “yeah, it’s going to blow up sooner or later”. Sure, motors will blow up at some point due to being overly abused, but properly set-up motors with any type of power adder/forced induction will last a long time.