F20 Tigershark RC Jet

I want one !


Soundtrack of Top Gun :tup:

Just a bit quick.


Sweet Now all we need is the treadmill.

Impossible, it could never fly.

How much do you think those things run? 3 grand? 5 grand?

10k+ i just looked at some turn key ones and they werent even the real real fast ones

yeah the motors are like 5k alone

rofl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENcIZVx-o9c

this is the one that costs 10k turn key

I’ve looked into these in the past. Only thing I don’t like is the lag when your on and off the throttle… like a couple seconds of lag almost.

damn i would wreck that in 10 seconds

Thats because turbines depend on wind speed into the jet to develop speed that and i’m sure the fuel metering on those things isn’t top notch :wink: Even for 10k

I hope the pilots survived. Looks like they were able to jettison.

Haha, crazy stupid people.

Since when does airspeed affect a turbines acceleration rate? It might in a sr-71 when operating as a ramjet, but not in engine with an operating compressor which 99.99 percent of engines have, unless its a rocket. The lag is due to the fact that you have to accelerate a mass from 20,000 to 90,000 rpm without overtemping the hot side, which is the primary limitation for any turbine. Fuel metering is digital fuel system based off of N1 speed (compressor) and the turbine outlet tenprature and combustor pressure used as inputs and limiting factors. most turbines are slow in the low end, but have very fast accelation rates in thier operating rates, so i doubt the delay is much over half a second or so. :slight_smile: