Factory Alarm System S14

Does the S14 hava a factory alarm!!?? I just purchased the factory remote for my car and all I did was, waste money to pay for a keyless entry into my car. How can I enable this “alarm” on my car? When I lock my car, the hazard lights flash. When I unlock, the dome light turns on. No beeps to notify me if there’s any activity. The panic button works so I’m hoping there’s some kind of an alarm in my car.

All help provided to prevent me from spending money on an expensive viper alarm system, is much appreciated :slight_smile:

it has alarm… i think there is a sort of tag saying anti-theft stuff on the window…~~

Ya same here man there is a dash button that says SECURITY with a red led I have tried to set it off dunno how lol

I even asked Nissan and they had no idea about the alarm. When I ordered the remote, it said “Vehicle Immobilizer, Keyless, Alarm”… The only true part in that sentence is the “Keyless” that’s it.

Well, if you guys find anything, let me know. I’m highly interested in fixing my alarm.

Make sure the hood/doors/trunk lid switches are working. If not your alarm will not go off.

Check the FSM to troubleshoot.

Ok, I’m not sure about a imobilizer but try this:

With windows down, lock with fob.
Wait for about 1 minute,
then reach in and manually unlock the door and open it.
The horn should go off. If it doesn’t wait longer after activating.
I haven’t tried it, but reach in (with it activated) and unlatch the hood and trunk seperately. I think it works with the hood but not the trunk.

To test the imobilizer (if it has one) you would have to do some damage to your ign. or column, so I’m not sure on that one.

I hope that this helps.

Is this only for S14’s? Cause I wouldn’t mind getting keyless entry to my S13 if it’s possible. It already has power locks and an aftermarket alarm, but no damn keyless entry! And I want it :smiley:

My old '95 SE had a factory alarm and keyfob. My new '98 SE however does not (I had to have an aftermarket alarm installed)

Check the fuse panel under the dash and look for a “security” fuse

Is it possible the original owner didn’t opt for an alarm? I’m surprised the Nissan people can’t help you with this.

just roll down the window…then luck ur car…then unluck it and open the door…c if the horn is on …if it is …then ur alarm is working… and u can disable the horn …by insert ur Key to driver side door and turn left or right… just try up these… ~~