temporarily disable stock alarm

This is gonna sound crazy but I was wondering if its possible to temporarily disable the stock alarm on a 95 240sx le without unhooking the battery? I live near a forested area and a mouse has made a home of somewhere in the engine area of my car… every time it moves around, it sets off the alarm. I’ve got traps set out but its a smart little bastard. The alarm goes off about 20 times a day now!

Any help on disabling the alarm would be great :slight_smile:



that is one of the funniest thigns ive ever heard, you should take a pic

Its a big pain in the ass! I have to keep running out and turn the alarm off. I gotta go to Toronto tonight with a different car so nobody will be around to turn the alarm off if it goes off. I don’t want the cops coming by or something… so disabling the alarm is the only temporary fix I can think off. Any ideas how I do it? Are there fuses for the alarm?

Thanks again.


I didn’t know you could choose not to arm the OEM alarm. Can I turn it off from the remote? Its the 3 button.


From what I’ve read in the FSM for the S14, once you lock the doors either with the remote, or just the key, the factory alarm is armed. I could be wrong, though.

park it in your garage, take out the battery and leave the doors unlocked

Ya, I figured unhooking the battery would be the only way. Got a carport so gonna have to keep it all locked up tight. Neighbours are watchin out for hooligans while the car is disabled!


Locate the Alarm Unit and Unplug it or the easy way out is to dissconect your horns.

what exactly makes the alarm go off?

why dont you just run ur motor really hot and hte mouse will die…? a long drive… im sure he’ll fall out somewhere, do u think hes gonna stay for the rid to toronto? what does he do just chill beside your resonator until its time to wreack havoc? not to be an ass or anything i just dont see where inside the engine bay would set off the alarm - usually its hte hood sensor being opened

Just to update… I took out the battery before I left. Came home and checked under the hood and there the little bastard was… deader than a doornail. It was a quick death.

Just to clarify for anyone that’s wondering, it travelled with me 35kms to work on the highway 'cuz it set the alarm off this morning when I was at work and the “nutritional supplement” that I put out was disturbed. I’m not exactly sure how its been setting off the alarm. The pest control guy happened to be outside the office so I asked him about it and he said its pretty common for mice to get into cars around here… they think the wires are berry stems so its possible that the mouse tried to bite into the alarm wire which is set it off. If that’s not the reason why its going off then I have no idea what could be causing it.


Checked the air filter box and it was clean… I think it might have been in the part of the frame that sits behind the front bumper. There are a few 2" or so diameter circular cutouts that run along the square tubing… perfect access points, nice & cozy location.
