DSM guys:

picked up a 96 Eclipse GST cheap. it has a short, which i’ve solved, but when i go to jump the car, the alarm goes off (no sound, just kills starter and flashes lights). i only have 1 key, no fobs for the car. i tried putting the key in the door, locking and unlocking several times. anyone know how to reset the factory alarm without the key fob?

DSM’s shouldn’t need the key fob for the factory alarm. You sure it isn’t an aftermarket one?

i’m sure its the factory alarm. let me add to this that the passenger’s side door lock cylinder is missing. i’m wondering if this has something to do with it? also, do you have to have the hood closed to disarm the alarm? the owner’s manual is very confusing about what all has to be done.

Yes, to my knowledge, the hood has to be closed. The missing lock might be a part of it, I can’t 100% remember just how the locks were tied in electronically, but just putting the key in the driver’s door should arm/disarm the car. But, if the passenger key cylinder isn’t there, and the hood is up, that might be the issue.

hmm, well i’ll go buy a battery tomorrow, install and see what happens

good luck

ive set my alarm off many times when i accidently leave my keys into the car and have to break into my own car. all i did was put the key in the lock and unlocked it and it worked, all the doors were shut, there is a fuse for the alarm i believe, just pull the fuse

bought a battery, still keeps going off. looked under the dash and found a code alarm 2500. now i have to figure out how to remove it and make the car work, or find a way to reset that alarm without any remotes.

remove the fuse

find your starter wire (should be cut in half) and reconnect it. then as gsxgate says… pull the fuses

alright, i took the control unit for the aftermarket alarm out, and reconnected the starter wire… she fired right up. thanks for the help guys