Failed assassination / beat down


Shitty guns save lives.

the look of surprise on the would-be assain’s face when the gun doesnt fire is just awesome

i love that the old guy comes back and starts kicking him in the head.

It wasn’t a real gun. They’re calling it a “gas pistol” that was loaded with tear gas and “noise making bullets” so they’re not sure if he was trying to kill the guy with a point blank shot from a non-lethal gun or it was a stunt.

Either way it’s funny that there was practically no security. The politician had to disarm him, then everyone else just started kicking the crap out of him.


Hahahaha holy shit.

They are talking about banning gas pistols now

They should just ban all forms of assasination.

Yeah Bulgarians dont mess around… Would love to see what they did to him once in custody. I bet this guy will be pissing blood for a very long time.

Nothing like a bunch of government officials in suits beating someone

someone showed me this video without an explanation and it looked like the guy just didnt load the gun or had the safety on. apparently it wasnt even a real gun, just a gas-powered pellet gun and this was just a prank?

Id put some weight on it being a failed attempt…

News outlets in these Eastern European countries are still heavily controlled by politics and appearing weak is something believed to be a huge no no by many parties. Theres a good chance the story got manipulated.

Seinfeld Reference just because.

It wasn’t a gunpowder and bullets gun, so now it’s up for debate if he was trying to kill him with a pellet to the face at point blank range or if it was just a prank.

It wasn’t meant to kill him.