lol what a dumbass


LOL wtf was he doing with a gun at a wedding anyways.


can u guys watch it, i never posted vid on photobucket

people would be a lot safer if everyone had guns…

that kid is a sharp shooter…probably killed him.


lol except that guy

SRSLY. Point blank to the abdomen, pointed up?

holy crap


I know what you’re trying to do here, and you sir, are a moron.

Wow, didnt see that coming

the kids on our side

LOL i still can’t stop laughing at the kid going flying back when the gun recoils on him…

Hah, wow.

lol it looks like the guy from office space

:tdown: sucks to be him, karma’s a bitch (shooting a gun in the air, at that kind of angle is pretty dangerous)

its iraq, did u expect different?

thats kid is awsome