Failed Two Speed Idle E-Test

Car failed the e-test horribly. Passed Idle barely but failed at 2500RPM. Engine is stock KA24E has a stupid straight fart pipe exhaust.

HC Limit: 200 PPM
HC Reading: 735 PPM
CO Limit: 1.00%
CO Reading: 1.04%

Car misfires a little bit at 2500RPM in neutral but pulls hard and runs great when driving. Replaced cap, rotor, plugs, wires and fuel filter, still does the misfire. Maybe injectors sticking open? Mechanic has the car right now and is looking into it. Anyone here have any thoughts?

Is there a cat on the car, if so is it brand new?

There is a cat but I have no idea how old it is, how good it is or even if there is anything in it. Regardless of the cat there is a misfire with no load on the engine and nothing while it is loaded. Trying to diagnose that before replacing more parts.

For the misfire, check basic tuneup stuff (plugs, wires, filter, etc).

Couple tricks:

  1. Take out the air filter, this reduces CO a bit by allowing more air in
  2. Advance the timing past where it’s supposed to be. Causes a more complete burn which reduces HC but it will run a lot hotter, increasing NOx. This would cause you to fail for NOx on a regular test but the idle test does not measure NOx. Make sure you don’t drive much with the timing advanced, it isn’t great for the engine.

Turns out the problem was timing advance. Brought it down and it passed.

Nice. is it a winter beater?

Yup, BMW is sold, Miata is in storage and now the shitmobile will take to the streets.