fails of h2o

Im suprised brett was even a part of that considering I was smoking next to my car which happned to be 5 feet away from his, he had is windows up… but he just washed it earlier in the day and he dident want little specs of ash to get on it… Which well would have blown away at the hint of a breeze… if his windows were down I woulda understood that…

with that being said… kinda hypcritical of him to bitch at people about touching/smoking messing with his car when hes done it to others a few times and now fucking with stickers on other peoples cars…

I for one if I had a nice car that i detailed spent time on and people were throwing stickers on it…

No, it sucked.

Agreed, I’d be pissed if someone did that to da Soup.

Dont be angry I took the motor out last night…

but i dident touch the paint!

We still good?

great thread

reading > you

and yes there is a HUGE difference between magnets and stickers!!!

Acctualy i thought i typed magnets/stickers…

Honestly id be more pist about magnets… seeing as they get moved around when putting on taking off and put scrathes i nthe paint…

but stickers are more of a PITA to take off…

regardless it was stupid

def hypocritical of Brett, but i can totally see him doing it. His shit > everyone else’s shit.

I would be FUCKING pissed. However, I gotta give credit for holding the magnets near the cars. That is 100% OK and totally hilarious, same goes for like Joey’s car, you know him, and you know he isn’t going to be pissed. Also hilarious.

i said this in a previous thread but i’ll say it again. the magnets were crazy soft and very weak. and my girlfriend says “its a magnet its not like its going to steal the metal out of your hood” :lol

Regardless some people dont take lightly to the fact that a bunch a people they dont know are going around flashing magnets at peoples cars or putting them onto the car undermining what they like and the work they put into their cars

please see my response, i gave you props for holding the shit near the cars. Just because your magnet is soft does not give you the right to touch someone else’s property. That’s all i’m saying here. However, those who don’t have respect for other people’s shit will continue arguing…now.

Yetti, Im diggin your new sig quote :rofl

i told you it was quote worthy. and its fine since people are such little girls about magnets i’m going to make a 6’ tall fail sign and hold it next to the cars i dont like to be more subtle.

I think the fail sign would be cooler.
That being said…

If someone put magnets as harmless and weak as these on my car, I wouldn’t care. 911, Skyline, LGT, S4… Magnetize that shit. ESPECIALLY if the car was just detailed. I’d be more pissed if they did it when the car was dirty.

Dirt on car under magnet + moving magnet to get it off = small scratch.

+233254 when people are leaning on my car or something when it’s dirty and i ask them to get off they say “it’s filthy anyway who cares?” :facepalm :lol

As long as I know the person, and they don’t have buttons or anything on their pants, I’m fine with it.
When the car’s clean, I do it too. It adds to the whole mean mug/thugging experience.

My fathers company had GIANT magnetic banners on the doors of his work truck for 3 years straight… until they faded and were replaced with stickers. The paint behind them were BETTER than the rest of the car… didnt scratch or rust or anything.

Even if the magnets did damage, it would take all of 2 minutes to fix with a little polishing compound and wax…

If you dont want people touching your car at a car show, put a fucking rope around it, or put up a sign that says “look dont touch” I know you all know what I am talkign about.

My cars, well my good ones, I have HOURS of custom work all done my myself in them… I would never flip shit if someone stuck a magnetic sticker on my car, a sticker, maybe… but what they did was inocent and funny.

You bring your car to a show to be judged, thats what they did! lol.

You shouldn’t touch other people cars! Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT YOURS! What the hell don’t you guys get about that? If you know the person and they are cool with it, fine. But, at a car show, thats not acceptable.

where was this logic labor day weekend…:retardclap

LMAO :rofl:rofl:rofl for FAILing yourself