fails of h2o

Once that shit leaves your garage, its fair game. :rofl If I walk my dog, should I knock out the first little girl that pets it in the park? Or should I knock out the little old lady that pinches my babys check in the stroller?

People these days need to mellow out more, and use common sense. No harm is done petting my dog, pinching my baby cheek, or putting a magnet on my car.

What about when you go to the valley and come back to flyers under your wipers? Or Maybe you should beat the parking officers ass for placing a ticket on your car?

before anyone blows up,… the fair game comment was a joke.


:ahh i need to meet u, u seem like a pretty decent guy

LOL, nahh I am just a dick that likes to molest other peoples cars. :rofl

Actually, I care a lot if someone touches my car. Sure leaning on it when we’re hanging out or whatever is fine, but Brett STANDING on my motor when I had my hood popped, do I really need to worry about leaving my car for a second?
I mean, if someone touches my car or does something to it, what am I gonna do? So I guess that makes it ok.

404 Funny Not Found.

i could make that into a song


wait who stank on whose motor?

haha, punk! didn’t even notice.

i took a smelly poop on your motor, pete.

im still not following what happened though lol

fuck you!

I defecated on your internal combustion engine. What’s not to get?

didnt quote you ok?

Brett climbed onto Joey’s motor and stood on it.

Pete’s getting stressed out guys!

gotcha. y?

da fuck?

ok sullyivan

nice now joey climbs on the MOCK4 or w/e he drives and everyone is cool …right ? :lol