car show etiquette:rant

why do people really feel the need to bring their fuckin dogs to a car cruise? Seriously, wexford couldn’t have been any more crowded and assbags bring their fuckin dogs. you wanna walk your dog take it to the God damn park. Especially these people with hyper ass dogs and you bring them around other dogs and kids. WTF!

ALSO… don’t wear a wallet chain around fuckin CAR SHOWS! are you nuts? i’m a forgiving person so if it taps off my car i probably wont freak but there are people with some expensive paint jobs and to wear that thing around their car is just plain ignorance and if i had mint paint i’d have to wrap the chain around your fuckin neck.

Lastly, do not drive your fuckin strollers in between cars. there is no need. there’s not enough room, this isnt the mall parking lot where you can bump someones 92 lumina. Keep your small childeren away from the cars, people don’t put their hard work cleaning their cars for some rug rat to put their prints all over it. If you sense your child likes to spontaneously likes to pick up rocks and hurl them, DONT LET THEM WALK, carry them… I saw someones car get wacked friday night. Or better yet…leave them at home!

I’m pretty sure most of the people here are smart enough to know better but the world out there doesnt.

i say we build a small arena and put the hyper dogs and small children that throw rocks in there to duke it out while the weirdos with the chain wallets whip said dogs and child into fighting each other and keep the action going. that should keep all the problematic people in one area at least.

^^ true… on a side note I seen cutty yesterday driving around he had a girl in the car the rumors are true.

i saw you on 88 but the girl wasnt with me yet? where was i when u saw me with her… she’s goin back to VA tmw… no more nookie for me :frowning:

lol… in the southside… it was quite strange seeing you twice in one day.

i was tryin to find an ice cream place open but had to settle for a frosty…she got vanilla :bj:

i saw a few small puppies that didn’t look like they were causing any problems.

i saw several larger dogs barking and really just taking up room walking up the isles. i just think they have no place there. north park is just down the road.

In keeping the wife happy, sometimes we bring her dog… It’s a pint size shitzu, she’s too timid to be a problem to anyone, and we keep an eye on her… we also always bring a stroller since our kids are now 3 and 1… this last one we pulled em around in a giant red wagon, with umbrella shade. I was nervous as hell making sure it and they didn’t get too close… Last year though I was talking with someone while holding the dog leash, someone comes by intterupts the conversation to talk to the car owner, I ask him if his dog is friendly… He tells me it’s a really sweet dog. The dog then lunges out and snaps at our, almost taking out dogs face off!!! long rant, but the whole point being it isn’t the dog thats a problem it the owner that’s with em…

u missed the point if there are no dogs, that situation doesn’t happen…period. not everyone is as responsible as you thats why i say ban em. all it takes is one dog to flip out on one kid or one dog to scratch one show car. i love dogs but its a car show, i’m there to see cars and talk about cars, not boost someones ego telling them how cute their dog is. and trust me there are a lot of people who bring their dogs for that reason, attention

x2… take your dog to the park… or dog show

agreed…there is a time and a place to bring a dog out…and a crowded ass car show is not 1 of them…

but i did take my Lab to the irwin Car show b4 it was cool and all but more hassle then its worth even tho mine just chilled in the bed most of the time

I’ve personally got no problem with em there. I used to always bring my old dog with me, but he also went with me everywhere I went. he was a 150+lbs Akita, that if he wanted to start shit could scrap a car. It’s a public outdoor venue… It’s a car cruise, but it’s about more than just the cars. It’s a place for car enthusiasts to hang out, a social event. Starlite even more is meant to be a “family” event. I understand what you are saying, but if someon is taking out a car that is so precious it can’t be touched, they shouldn’t have it at a family car cruise. Take it to a show where you can rope off the car.

Even as far as kids go, if your worried about kids, then don’t go to a family oriented car cruise. I watch what my kids are doing, but I know a lot of other poeple don’t. It’s like going into a family restuarant and bitching about the kids being around and being loud.

if the dog is leashed and under control, then I have no problem with em. the folks who take out dogs they can’t control shouldn’t be out in public with them, let alone a cruise

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

i still think your missing the point… its about cars and people not dogs! yes bring your family and have some food and look at the cars but dogs have no place. my point about kids was not to leave them at home but dont let them be able to damage a car. Yes, little kids don’t know any better but thats not an excuse. you should be able to take your car to a “family car crusie” and still not have to worry about it gettin screwed up regardless if it a 100,000 show car or a primered beater. And like i said i dont have a problem with strollers but not between the cars. CARS and their owners are the point of car cruises. Yes its a public venue but it just courtesy. if i go to the park, i expect dogs, if i go to a car cruise i dont. i’m still gonna go to wexford and enjoy it. maybe i’ll get a cat and stick in on a leash and see how the dogs like it. :smiley:

And one more thing, and it only happens @ wexford…if you see a car trying to drive up the isle…get the fuck outta the way and let the man through! is it that hard to move three feet to the side?

maybe an idea, unrelated to my above rants, is to have _____ car night. like one friday features mopars, or orphan cars, or fords. etc… you can try and keep them all together. I went to a cruise like this outside of chicago and it was orphan car night so it was like studebakers, oldsmobiles, and any other car copmany that doesnt exist anymore. set off X amount of spaces and garentee them up till 6:30 or so… if they aren’t filled start letting anyone park there.

:rofl: :rofl:

x2 ! ! ! ! that shit always pissed me off at a show

100% agree. Dogs do not belong anywhere near car cruises or shows. Dogs don’t give a fuck about cars, all they want to do is eat, sleep, piss, shit, get petted, and run. They are not going to admire a car so WTF bring them? If someone MUST bring their dog, then CARRY IT. If it’s too big to carry then leave it at home so it can east, sleep, piss shit and run to its hearts content, then you can pet it when you get home.
As to kids, when my sons were younger and we went to cruises, i always had them by the hand whenver we were looking at the cars and would make sure they didn’t touch anyones car. If they did they got their fingers slapped hard enough that they really didn’t want to touch the cars.

i agree with with cutty on everything. also, good deal on the womanpeice in the car. lol.

I agree for the most part.

-I love love love dogs, but taking them to car shows is kind of beat.
-I have my keys on a carabiner on my belt loop 90% of the time. It is not hard to tuck them into a pocket or take them off completely and stick them in a pocket. I relate this to chains - tuck 'em in or put them away.
-I don’t like kids. I would say “Yeah hey no kids” or something, but we were all kids at one time, especially ones who love cars. If it wasn’t for car shows, I don’t know if I would have as large of an intrest in cars as I currently do. HOWEVER - Don’t take your kid if you can’t fucking control him/her. If you aren’t responsible enough to keep a close eye on your kid 100% of the time at a car show, don’t bring it. I actually caught a kid trying to pull himself up on my push bar to see in the engine bay. I almost lost it.

Edit for those who haven’t see my push (style) bar - Made of ABS Plastic (thats why it pissed me off, it could break!)

Good man… when i have my monte out, i dont mind if people touch it. but if its my dads mopar or our buick then i get lil preturbed. I know if i had a split window 427 63 vette, i’d get really defensive of my car. If ur out in traffic and something happends to it…hey thats the risk but you should be able to feel safe parked at a car cruise.

back to the point about people who dont get out the way… ok i’m backin in the space, mind you i have no power brakes or power steering and there is big 255/60’s on the front… so i’m fighting the steering wheel tryin to get in the sapce so people behind me can pass and idiots just keep walking and some other guys is cryin “oh god there goes my car” …hey ass bag instead of cryin im gonna back into ur 1929 t bucket, how bout stoppin the people so i can park. just cause i look young don’t mean i am and i can’t whip the shit outta that big ass car. like i would really wanna wreck a mopar the way they are priced right now.