This was forwarded from a friend of mine if you are interested let me know. Thanks.

Any chance you might know of someone who might want to adopt one of these beautiful pups before they are given to animal control?

Please let me know if you know of anyone who might be interested!
Scott (my friend) rescued 6 black lab (mix) puppies out of the middle of the road on Saturday. PLEASE help me find them homes - otherwise, it’s Animal Control.

We’ve bathed them, sprayed them for fleas and wormed them…but we can’t keep them.
They are currently in a kennel in my basement since I don’t have a fence.

I’ve lost count of the number of rescue groups that I’ve contacted, only to be turned down due to no room. Please check with every dog person you know to see if they want a puppy

Aww fuck those are soo cute! damn if i didnt have 2 dogs already… Srsly Craigslist them.

im pretty sure the person already did

if you still have them ill take one.

aw jam they look just like you! hahaha.

these should have no problem getting adopted. i asked but no dice around the animal lovers i know. did you try craigslist?

Not everyone sucks on craigslist

Holy crap, Jam, I’m 99% sure my mom will take one. We had the most amazing lab-mix growing up, and after she died, my mom ALWAYS wanted to get another one. I’m sure she’ll want a female. I’ll talk to her tomorrow and give you a call or something.

How the hell do 6 puppies end up in the middle of the road together?

Where the puppies located?

i need to find a way not to show this to my gf or we will have another dog…good luck finding a home. im sure it wont be hard.

where they located jam? i may have someone at work interrested he needs to talk to his wife

can someone rehost the pic?

damn I wish my place allowed dogs… someone take these


If I was in the area, I would at least help out and foster some of them until a home could be found.

best of luck, too many great dogs sitting in rescue shelters :frowning:

Holy f—ing cute. I am sure there will be no problem finding new loving homes for these guys. Did your friend return to the scene of the crime to see if mom ever came back? Post found posters in the area? I can’t believe someone would purposely abandon them. I would hope that mom didn’t want to have them at home or was moving them.

I really can’t see them going to Animal Control… let me check with the wife, will PM tonight…


I’d assume the SPCA would take those in no problem. Puppies get bought up like crazy from the SPCAs. I had a tough time finding a puppy when i went there to get my two dogs.

the dogs are in orchard park

my i’ll pm the # for the person who has the dogs to whoever pm’s me :tup:

My gf will almost def take one. PM me the number.

ugh…I wish we were ready for a dog. Lab mixes are great. Good luck!

pretty sure i got that same pic in an email over a week ago. someone in our office said they were all gone the next day.

Cute, to bad I already have 2 dogs :frowning: