Fall Cruise

hmm … any more info on this?

I’m a club leader, just not this one … :smiley:

I read the post, but it was just more a review of last year’s

I can get a few S12s together to represent.

Well, I ended up going to this with my buddy and his eclipse. Wow were there a lot of cars! I had never been to Forks of the Credit either so that was an experience also. The roads were generally great; some very scenic areas up there. Overall it was a nice Sunday. It would have been even nicer if the eleventeen-year-olds could find some maturity from somewhere and realize that you don’t have to drive reckless to have an enjoyable time. Oh well, they’ll grow up, hopefully, eventually. All-in-all not everyone was stupid. It was a well organized event that I would recommend. Congrats to the organizers and volunteers.

so n-e one from here attend the c7 cruise…i was looking @ the pix and saw an s14…
n-e one from here?

this is a joke right; or you didn’t read in this thread before you posted :roll: