Fall Cruise

Whussup guys

I was wondering if any of you attended the “C7 Performance” fall cruise last year.
I am new to this board as I have just started driving a 240 about 2 weeks ago. ANyways, C7 was my old club when I was driving a 5th gen Celica. They are planning it again this year. Since I’m new to this board, I wasn’t sure if you guys attended last year. I don’t remember seeing any SON members last year, then again there were 200 + cars 8)

Just to give you an idea of what it was. We all met up in Mississauga, beside Krispy Kreme (Mavis + Britannia) and we cruised North from there.


This was what it was all about.

Anyways, that’s all for now.

  • Sam

Wow, too many cars…too much traffic jammin’ if ya ask me. But thanks for insight, looks like a lot of fun! Who knows, maybe i might pop on by cuz i’m in Toronto a lot.

sounds interesting, i might be checking this one out

In the Celica? I might go too, but it does seem like a bit too many people. A lot of cars to control…

yeah in the celica :roll:

it was pretty crazy with the amount of cars, but since we have an idea of what it was like last year, the guys running it will have a better idea of how to manage so many cars in a convoy that’s 1km long.

Okay, this is jsut a remind to anyone who is interested.
Regional Leaders/moderators, will you guys be organizing SON to go? or should we just arrange individually?

Go here for more details and to register:

For anyone who is interested, I will be going for sure, it’d be nice to cruise with anyone else who’s in.

Reply or PM.

-Kouki S14

i say we all cruise to bingo’s and rip thru the welland canal as a group, there is nothing like ripping thru a tonel at highrevs and making noise to put a smile on your face.

bing lives an hour away now

Looks like fun… if I can take the day off i’ll be there for sure.


How far will the cruize go? What type of time frame could we plan for if we went? All day, afternoon, ? Anyone else from here gonna go to this? Maybe set up a poll or something so we can find out specifically? P.S. ?

I won’t be able to bring my car since its off the road this weekend, but
I’m sure bing wants to drive me :slight_smile:

too many guys in train formation driving stupidly fast cars = accident fudge packer style

This event will be from approximate 9am to about 6 in the evening, that’s about how long it went last year.
And no, there weren’t any accidents (to my suprise as well), there was a G35 that got pulled over for doing 150 if I can remember. Other than that, it went pretty smooth.

Bing lives an hour closer now.

So who from Son is going to this?

If you read up on the info in the link posted above, club leaders are in charge of getting their club organized for the cruize. Anyone in a higher position then myself that is planning on going want to undertake this task?

Yes it’s a shame that the higher-ups have not jumped on this. I was very disappointed at not seeing SON240SX on the list of particiapting clubs. I mean, even the friggin Xterra club is on this thing!!

What gives?

i attended this event last year in my spec and it was a lot of fun, met a lot of great people and got to see what most of the toronto car clubs had to offer…wasn’t the most organized of events but considering it was the first year and all…it went pretty well…

last year i got stuck between a line up of 4 g35’s and an STi behind for the fork run… :lol:

I haven’t got a car anymore now that i’m back to school. I am assuming
the other admin staff are busy or not interested.

sucks… :frowning: