Fantastic Four 2 Trailer

After signaling Galactus, the Surfer battles with the Fantastic Four. In battle, the Surfer is knocked off of the Baxter Building and lands in the apartment of Alicia Masters. Alicia convinces the Surfer that the planet Earth is worth saving.

Fully recovered from his earlier battle, the Surfer challenges Galactus pleading for him to look for a different planet to devour. Galactus ignores the Silver Surfer’s request and begins the process of destroying the planet Earth. Galactus is finally stopped by the Fantastic Four when the Human Torch breaks into Galactus’s starship and steals the Ultimate Nullifier, a super powerful weapon. Mr. Fantastic threatens to destroy Galactus with the Ultimate Nullifer if he does not stop his attempt to consume the planet Earth. Defeated in battle, Galactus swears to never harm the Earth again. In fury over the Silver Surfer’s betrayal, Galactus dooms the Silver Surfer to be confined to the planet Earth forever.