Farmstar Motorsports...what? A running R34?

i know how to get them imported…but ill keep my mouth shut haha, how much did it end up costing you? pm me if you dont want that price leaked out haha

Farmer is fucking OG, congrats. Now I can officially tell everybody someone in the community has a officla R34. :smiley:

Kind of personal, but care to answer how much this thing cost so far, or a rough estimate?

This is ridiculous… Mad props for the hard work, Farmer!

1 million dollars


superman is no longer my hero… i think you’re my new hero. this is damn amazing i must say

I know how too…

pretty simple really, just takes time…and money, this is why i want to know how much it roughly cost…even though i no where near would have a fraction of the money haha, im just going to wait until 2015 to get one… just build up the 240 then get hte skyline as one hell of a daily driver haha

It’s all so very easy to KNOW how to do it, but can YOU or anyone else know HOW to do it?

Farmer let me know tons of obstacles he faced and it would be near impossible for the regular guy to do.

You really gotta know your stuff and have lots of resources.

It’s pretty simple if you think about it. Just kind of hard to do practically, as Samson so eloquintly put it.

I know how :slight_smile:

dont watch the cooking channel unless u wanna learn how to cook.

everyone saying the same thing. tell me how to do it! not like u can do it even if you knew how to. curious georges

I think I read about this and ran into it a while back. Kaizo Uni-bodies? IIRC some guys in the US are buying these as “kit cars”. Then you have to purchase the engine, transmission etc. yourself or get a second skyline as a race only version and strip that one apart and put the parts onto the unibody… I think the uni-bodies are legal technically because the car was never sold here, hence it never existed. So you register a new VIN for the uni-body and call it a Skyline GT-R Replica. I don’t know if I’m right. Let scrounge my bookmarks for the forum that talked about this…

Here’s the link to the thread on NICO about this. Keep in mind I’m speculating here, because US is different to Canada.

not quite canada is alot different , i wish i could do it like that though


so why not spill the beans =)

Cause it wouldn’t be so cool to have a legally registered R34 anymore… it’s like the magician showing you how it’s done. It wouldn’t be so cool anymore now would it?

thank you

Stop please stop fucking asking how he did it and how much it costs.

Just wait another 6 years or so. And even then, most of you probably won’t have the money to buy one.

theres a lot of people that know how it was done. these are basically people that knew about the project from the beginning. i was there when most of the parts for the project arrived. honestly even if you guys found out it wouldnt benefit you in anyway since the amount of man hours it took to get this project done is insane. it would be just easier to pay farmer and the others involved to do it for you. so no sense it asking how it was done.