Fast and the Furious 3 PREVIEW

i personally think drifting is lame to. I mean to do it, its probably alot of fun, but watching it just doesnt do it for me, stunting doesnt ether. I dont even watch many sporting events at that, would rather do them then watch.

But the biggest thing about drifting (the stuff ive seen on tv) is the whole ricer lifestyle (if you can call it that) the way the anouncers talk about it and use the extremly corny slang, i think if drag racing was announced like that i would hate it too.

I laugh cause little bow wow is a main actor :rofl:

i hear ya, I was not the biggest fan till I went to some big events. If you would have seen what Starboy and I experienced at NOPI you probably would like it. They stuck us in this concrete pit at NOPI and the cars drifted around us, it was sick. watching a car go into a bend in a small lot at 70mph and sticking the drift perfect coming a foot away from concrete barriers. defintiely pretty cool

drifting has been around in america for very long time, its called Sprint cars, see they go around cirlce tracks at high speeds, and when the enter the bends, they slide the ass end around…they do it on dirt and asphault tracks

to each there own,dont knock till u seen it tried it!

like i said dirt track, but i did forget the asphualt tracks. but remember since its an import thing its drifting and was orginally found in japan :jerkit:


Bow Wow & the kid from sling blade…WOW

“I like the way he talks & he likes the way i talk”


it looks better then the second movie…
& i’m down with the asian gangs…that will make it interesting for me.
but i woun’t see it until it comes out on DVD.

no more Brian Spillner?! :frowning:

yeah i think the asian guy that drives a mustang in the D1 or whatever that top drifting league is was leading in points most of the year…not sure if he won nor not…he was driving one of the new mustangs too.

its the same league where whats his face (rhys millen)was driving that yellow GTO.

Oh god why… Now when i go to the mall there are going to be kids up there trying to do this… and the part in the movie preview where they are drifting on a highway yep you guessed it stay off rt30 for a while after this movie comes out hahaha.

To be honest it looks better then the 2nd. i just cant belive they gave little bow wow a leading rule in the movie

he got fired for getting off on the survalence photos

i wnat the return of Dom

you would.


or just to see u star in it…ur soo dreamy chad :op:

rally > drift

the japs just figured since they can’t drive they’d make a sport out of losing control of their car.

if you do it correctly you aren’t out of control, didn’t you watch the preview? :booty:

dude…didn’t you know that making uneducated comments & or having uneducated opinions is the new black.

I’ll prob still see it.

learns me…learns me!