Fast and the Furious 3 PREVIEW

the man speaks the truth

agree & disagree…

when taking performance & racing…FWD can still beat RWD in certain situations

grassroots did a comparison on this…i posted a while back

here is a recap:

GrassRoots did an article about this… RWD, vs. FWD, vs. AWD.
3 cars were… WRX, RSX typeS, BMW 330i
all with same tires & did both wet & dry auto X’ing
5 runs in each conditon with each car.

everytime…they came in this order

of course type of car makes a difference but these are 3 that are decent to compare.

I’m not saying one is better then the other…they all have advantages & disadvantages.

WRX…easier to drive @ limits
RSX…most fun to drive
BMW…felt the quickest…but times didn’t show it.

like i said i could care less about autocross, and i never done it but i dont see it taking long to adapt to it. thats like saying get a sportbike and come play with me in the hills

but i dont think i hear anyone calling you out on that like you are calling out the autox and drifters

wtf you talking about? i said drifting isnt nothing more then a golified fishtail and its a new hotness cause its from japan and in reality its been on dirt tracks and asphalt tracks longer then most imports been around. in this situation its spirt racing or dirt track racing but they do more then just drift

and when did i speak NEG of autocross?

favorite quote

“Drifting will always remain the professional wrestling of motorsports”

fake and overhyped?


i don’t mind drifting & enjoy watching…

but like i’ve said before its winner is determined by a judge…correct???, so therefore its not a “true” sport.

i don’t know if they do drifting that is timed, but i’ve never seen it.

Where are you gonna do any drifting around here? I think that the only place for drifting is on my need for speed game… :jerkit:

More debating about drifting and FWD vs RWD than the movie…haha

Honestly enuff, the movie seems to focus on the culture and actual drifting/racing more so than the 1st 2 movies. That alone is a step in the right direction.
Based on the preview, Bow Wow doesn’t appear to be the main character (more like a sidekick to the slingblade guy)…

I personally respect & and enjoy (watching)drifting. I had a chance to see drifting 1st hand at Hyperfest this past summer.

FWD vs RWD? Each drive set up has pros and cons. Can’t really say what’s “better” With the right driver behind the wheel, any car can do great things.

this movie is going to be so jdm.

I just can’t believe that people on this site actually think fwd is better than rwd. :nuts:

Drifting sucks!!! It is so easy to do. It takes no skill at all. All you do is one of them there fishtails. Hell, I do it all the time in my Mustang. The only reason people do it is because them there japs is doin it. All these damn young white kids either want to be blacks listenin to that damn rap music or want to be japs with all that driftin stuff. I think this new FF3 movie is gonna be awesome, I can’t wait to see it. It will show the world exactly what drifting is like.
