fast motorsports tuning sessions

let me think on it. Harris speed works sells them brand new for $50 each and I only need 2.

ok ,i have them here now lololol .

harris only takes a day from order too arrival.

im playin ,did the car get better with a retune or about the same

i was talkin to kate last night ,brandon didnt know i had the tuning software for my car or he woulda done it .

before he did any tuning, base pull it made 366. After brandon was done a few hours later, on the nitrous motor tune we ended at 397.

im more happy how I can drive at 60mph in 6th gear at 1600rpms with no surging now with such a big cam! The car would surge like crazy before I would need to stay in 5th to keep the rpms over 2k until I got to 75. He got the idle down a little too so the cam is more noticeable.

thats how mine is also ,it surges bad whenits below 2500 in 4th or even 3rd in lockup so i gotta costantly gas it up and let off to keep from gettin shakin baby syndrome

Glad to see the tune worked out for you Drew. The dyno wouldnt load right for my brothers car so he didnt get any updated numbers but it seemed to pull alot stronger and cleaner on the highway. A+ for Brandon

so he is actually decent .that sucks we had a miscomunication as im gettin tuned tommorow in amsterdam

Yea the car idles alot better and there is no hesitation like the last tune. It seems to pull real strong on the highway but with street tires back on 1st and 2nd are useless

Can’t wait to hear the results from this. It’d be good to hear of something good coming out of the Amsterdam area! Let us know.

im takin it to jennings northeast speed ,ya ever hear of him man

yah on my two last n20 pulls it wasnt loading right. 600.8rwhp on a 100 shot isnt correct! LOL

however, 517rwhp was before the load was changed.

600 on a 100 hit lololol .sounds like the dyno sheet the first time ya had it tuned

yah…1st and second are always going to be useles…your bro has 40 more rwhp then me and 1st and 2nd are useless for me! His car sounded badass right before I left and brandon had the idle tuned in.

im wonderin what mine is gonna be on a 200 hit

lol thats what im saying.

that pull didnt count. He added more load to the dyno for my car on the n20 because of how the nitrous was hitting. He was adding load for tuning purposes, not numbers.

517rwhp was the only semi accurate pull on the n2o we got yesterday.

good number ,and that was all no2 and no extra fuel besides what the comp was addin

correct but the n20 0plate is after the MAF so im not sure how much fuel the computer would add in effect of a dry hit.

when I get everything solved with this lean spike it should get a little better. I expected it to be around those numbers on my setup on a 100 hit as looking at others same setups as mine.

the maf isnt gona add fuel durin a dry or wet shot .thats what the o2 sensors are for man .