Fast/Quick Honda Guys, Pull up a chair

haha fucker, dont you worry about what I have coming to the del sol:)

shit happens someone had a “status” car and the other had a race car. Just a question did bill or keven do all the work to the motor them selves minus the sleeves, porting, ect…? just a question please dont take this the wrong way


wah wah wah i dont have a honda anymore so i dont really care whos car was faster. if you really need to put stupid shit in your sig and argue with people that dont even own the car thats in question on the internet to make yourself sleep better at night then do it. i dont really care thats why i sold it.

all i have read from you bill in this thread was shit talking about my car. i didnt say one thing negative about setup or how fast it was or wasnt. you have something to get off your chest why not come say it to me. you know where i live. i have lived here since you met me, and if not shut the fuck up!

LOL are you going to finally speak for yourself or keep having brian do it. Would you please clear up what happened when we raced. No bull shit its getting annoying that all these kids keep making up fake stories when they wernt there.



here’s the thing…

the money kevin spent on having his block sleeved the biger turbo allowed his car to boost to 30PSI and get 649 whp.

the money bill spent on slicks and track set up suspension allowed him to cut 1.6 60’'s and be right on the edge of 10’s

they are both hondas, but they built um with separate goals. Kev wanted high HP and to be a highway super star and bill wanted to be 1/2 the price and a fast track car.

both cars did what the owner wanted them to do and thats all…


Word very fare statement

agreed :clap:

very well said mat i know both of them personally both have fast cars in diffrent ways
this drama shit sucks 4 real tho were all good friends and it should stay that way…we all love cars and racing track or street its not worth fighting over something stupid over he said this or that internet drama…

so bill i just want to say sorry for giving you a hard time i was just speaking my mind

can all us honda guys stop this fighting, god, your starting to sound like fbody guys!

speak for what? i could fucking careless about the civic or any civic for that matter. you argued and talked a whole lot of shit to people that didnt even own the car about me.

you lost to me twice bottom line. i dont care how close you were or how fast you went at the track. i gave you 2 head starts, i know this because i was cocky(so stop claiming i jumped you. how do you jump a headstart?) plus we didnt have horns. the first race i raped it to 9k and pulled you, atleast enough where andy told me to shut it down because i had you. the second race i shifted at/around 7k and you stayed at my back end which impressed me. the first thing out of my mouth to andy was wow if i dont hammer it to 9k hes all over me like flys on shit. dont fucking magazine race. claiming oh well i never ran at the track or you ran this time so that means youre faster. i dont care if i never ran my car at the track or how many times it blew up. i think its fucked up you need to talk shit when i actually have not said one bad thing about your car and actually said i was impressed on how a mild build with the right traction could be a bullet. like i said before, if you need to put that bullshit in your sig and tell people whatever you need to tell them about runing me or say all the shit you need to say about my car to sleep better at night then go ahead i honestly could care less

/im done.

they are way worse than fbody guys.

fbody guys are generally older, have deeper voices, and have gone through puberty. this is generally not the case with honda guys. :slight_smile:

i kid i kid… but really, no one cares.

And you know what the fucked up part about this whole deal is?
Hot dogs plump when you cook em’. Who knew pigs scraps would taste this fucking good.


im not a honda guy anymore

nothing but excuses everywhere what ever

yea you could have also done the same b4 posting that i pulled 4 cars on you so please stfu. And you still owe me $27 for that catch can.

end of the day i don’t care what happened,


i really don’t get where you’re going with that …

IMO (and don’t take it the wrong way) but think it woulda made more sense if bill said it towards you. Everyone thats riding your sack is saying your car WOULD HAVE been faster since it put down 649WHP. Bill has the time slips to prove what his car can do… magazine racing to me is when it’s ASSumed your car’s fast b/c of the parts on it and the numbers it can put down.

not trying to be an asshole, but from the time your car was put together till you sold it everyone told you to get a time slip to prove what the cars really worth

matt no one will ever really know and no one should really care…kev sold the car so there will never be another race its in the past who gives a fuck…i called bill today and talked with him we worked out our issue everything is cool…summer is almost here lets all just chill out and wait for this season we can only hope for the best…i dont understand how something this stupid could tear friendships apart we are all really good friends and should stay that way us import guys have to stick together we cant make it on our own lol i just think it would be stupid to hate ppl b4 the season starts so when everyone goes to meets they feel weird being there because of he said she said bullshit…and ppl picking sides between 2 friends.

lets just finish this at aj’s grand prix?

I hung out with Layzie and he told me he smoked mindless by at least 4-5 cars lengths and a short bus.