Fastest street legal car

Dear god… droool fucken droool


faster street legal car…

i dont know if that is considered street legal… define street legal. the other car looks more street legal and i do believe runs high 7’s too.

I don’t buy into all that shit. who cares if it’s street legal, your never gonna pull up to a light next to a 9 second car and say…I got this

Yeah, street legal. So it has functioning lights and turn signals… and thats about it.

Thats great it goes fast, but too compare with big sports cars is :greddy:

no that vette runs 6’s…i posted that on pittspeed like when i FIRST joined and it was linked to streetfire not youtube

street legal/fast/5-14mpg<street legal/slow/32mpg

depends on the state!


the fastest streetcar shootout that was held down in florida held all 6 second cars.

4.89 1/8 seemed to translate to a 7 second run but i guess not.

I dunno definitly not the fastest street car when MSP has gone High 7’s in their street tire supra. lost of other stuff way faster

“things got serious when he added stickers”

I’ve got you all beat haha! although i don’t know for sure if its made a run down the track, it sure is a conversation piece though.

dude that aint a fuckin street car. this is a street car! full fuckin interior!