I gotta get back there.

Guess Rubin found a gadget to make all 4 wheels grip and go. Doesn’t surprise me hes in the lead.

Lol he won’t be for long :wink:

Wanna go this afternoon ? Message me on fb if so

Workin bud or i would

I may be going later

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OHNOPOPO-Nick Rankin 20.050

wrong there is no Fast Trax license or driving class… level 4 is the highest period and unless you have over 5 Races and a RPM of over 1400 you wont get put on 4

there is only level 4, period

bro you were on level 4 i made sure… when i first started there i couldnt get past 22 then hit 21.8 then slowly faster and faster times because you know what lines to hit to get the fastest times

without a doubt first 10 days they made over $80,000

They are going to be having a league there soon as well as taking the top 10 racers of the week and giving them a free race together and winner will get like a case of monster, some free races ect…

So what’s a fast or the fastest time on the slow setting … I need something to aim for till I get my 5 races in

I got a pretty good line going through the course as is now. I’d like to see if I could do 19’s with the faster levels.

Nick: any idea if the plan on changing the course layout from time to time?

Cossey, we’re sort of hampered physically if you catch my drift.

I need to try this shit, but I’m broke as fuck. Shit.

I need to run with people who aren’t spinning out at every other turn.
I was unaware of the karts being set to different speeds…how can you tell?

Well its good to know what Nicks told us. Would be cool to see what level youre on on the sheet at the end. Id like to see fastest per level as well. I got to 20.8x on my third race first day so, i doubt it was cranked up.

It wasn’t. A fast time for the stock level is right around where we are dan. I think high 19s miiiiight be possible.

I think i could be braking a little later and i never actually had a lap i was 100 % happy with

That’s my problem as well. 90% me, 10% idiotic children.