Fatal car accidnet on Alt. Rt. 7 Sept. 3

my friend was a first response to accident, diver of z28 was dead on scene, yes that white car that caused the accidient was a camaro. People who whitnessed the crash said he was pulled off on the side of the road miles earlier then he came up on them like they were standing still.

Click and enlagre pics…and dont drive like this guy, gives us alla bad rap. rip


old news, we already have a thread for this crash

why did i just her aout this last night and cant find a thread on it damnnnn

It’s literally the same thread title for the first 7 words.

Only it’s spelled like it was written by someone who drives a BMW and not some limpdick fbody.

ill run you with my limpdick fbod n e day and well see whos limpin, shit my black car with no trans will give your goldust a good run

ill beagt every1 to it… REEEEEEEEEPOST.

ok, WGI, next year, see ya there.

Oh yes I will totally race you around the track in an FBody. See you in hell fatboy

lol they was th camio will be set up in spring you ur self wil prob wana go on a track with it, but in the mean time since u tried your luck out on a straight line, how bout we do that since we can do it anyplace any time? bimmer vs. camio

I have no shame in admitting your car will be well faster than mine in a straight line, won’t be much fun for either of us.

I wanna do a track event with you BENNY

I’ll put you in the wall. Hard.

Oh you wouldnt be able to catch me if you wanted to

Then I’ll just do it as you pass me


:rofl :rofl


Anyone know the car? I see Drew commented on this photo on Myspace…

dude has pictures of himself “rolling face” on myspace.

seems like a douche.

I know, thats the first thing that I saw when I looked on there… probably rollin’ face right into the “2010 Ford Suburban” as the news called it.
