I enjoyed the Shawn of the Dead bloopers.
if you want gore: Hellraiser
Action/scifi-horror: Aliens (as said above, classic, my favorite movie)
suspense/horror: the original night of the living dead. If you dont care for black and white get the night of the living dead re-make…its still very good.
other movies to look into:
28 days later
Alien (original)
I enjoyed ghost ship as well if only for the opening dance scene
but anyways, if you think of a movie and want a critique before you rent it let me know…Horror movies are to me as cars are to most of you.
+10 karma points.
the creature from the black lagoon – something like that… madd old but histerical movie
anybody else go see “alien” when they played it at that theater by UB? I took some screen shots with my cameraphone.
steve knows how big of an alien dork I am
it was ok… I think its the last fright movie I saw so it stuck in my mind.
The wire decapitation scene was cool as hell.
my jealousy cannot be displayed in words
I didnt know it showed in buffalo
yea yea
here’s what’s REALLY gonna cheeze you off then…
it was the original, unrestored film shown in theaters in 1979. the ORIGINAL, OG print of alien, on the silver screen. that film is as old as I am.
yeah but alien is such a great film, and they should of stopped it after the first!!!
I liked the second and third for what they were, each on was great in it’s own way. really, the only way I can watch them now is through the director’s cuts (of course I have the 9-disc box set boii )
there should not have been an alien resurrection and I SWEAR if I ever meet the peter pumper that okayed AVP I’ll shoot him where he fucking stands. monkey shit.
true. the movie was worth it just for that scene.
Actually a movie better than that ghost ship one was Event Horizon.
haha we agree for once!
that movie scared the SHIT outta me the first time i saw it. Not so much the second time. but… yeah. sam neil is one creepy bastard.
It was creepy but boring at the same time. Its not something I would watch twice.
screw that… Aliens was way better then the first one.
shaq trying to act…scary enough for me…
shawn of the dead