FAWK. I've converted

Is it just me, or are those pictures flopped 180 degrees. Its like looking a rear view mirror. I am trying to figure this one out in my head :ham:

No it’s not you, it’s flipped…

Free iPod touch and a free printer. Not a bad deal. I just picked one up, but I converted to mac a long time ago. I hate PC

How much RAM do you have? 1gb?

Just got a new black macbook to replace my macbook pro (dropped it, toasted the screen) and lied saying i was a student got a free ipod touch :tup:

Yea, they are normally lenient with that. If they ask for a ID if you just look through your wallet and go, oh, i dont have it on me… They still give you the discount and free ipod.

Or pay some kid in the store $50 to stand by you to get $100 off the laptop and a free ipod touch.

yeah I think by the end of the summer I will buy a macbook through duke. 999 with a free ipod touch is a pretty awesome deal to me.

pretty sure he picked up the cheapest one so yea, 1gb… dan you really need 2 it makes all the difference in the world.

yeah, it is like vista. 2 gigs is basically mandatory. Going from 512meg to 2gig made ALL the difference on mine. It was like a new computer

10.4 will barely run on a intel machine with 1gb of ram, you really need 2gb. If you start to get into 10.5, it can use a bit more ram, 3gb would be good, but might as well just get 4gb since its only $50 from newegg.

I may take a big gulp of the kool-aid myself. Wifey’s 3 year old Gateway laptop popped up not being able to find the MBR this morning. Booted Knoppix and started trying to copy files with the hard drive making nice loud clunkclunk noises. HDD’s dead. Plus the M key has been missing for a year, and the power adapter is loose. Stick a fork in her. She’s done.

Might go Mac. Aside from size, any good reason to fork over an extra $700+ for a macbook Pro instead of a basic?


macbook pro if you want more horsepower. if not just go macbook.

I’m going to bestbuy to get another desktop today. fiancee doesn’t want a mac :mad:

2.4ghz 2gb ram

For your wife’s purposes… no I don’t think there is a point to doing so. I doubt she needs anything that demanding.

posting from iPhone 3g

So far, Joe has successfully converted 3 or 4 of the top dogs at the company.

I’m pretty sure he’s gunning for my system next. :slight_smile:

I’m currently using a Dell XPS with a quad-core processor. I like my triple monitor setup and don’t want to lose that… Before I show up someday to see a Mac at my desk, can anyone suggest what we should be looking for, hardware-wise? I know nothing about Apple’s system choices.

Keep in mind: the system is for graphics and video.