FAWK. I've converted

Honestly, who the fuck cares. We get it.

Because I went back on page 1 on 5-6 people were like “UGHH OMG NO RIGHT CLICK WHAT DO I DO”

mine should be here by the end of the week. :slight_smile:

don’t be mad just because you have second rate knowledge of computers :io:

not sure which version you’re talking about so I can only speak for 2004 as I have not played with 2008 yet (even though I do have it). However the calendar/tasks/project management in 2004 was great… the only downside I can see is the address book was not very well done.

FWIW, the mighty mouse is the biggest pile of shit Apple has ever designed. The ball gets dirty (and stops scrolling) and there is no good way to clean it.

well, basically I was comparing office04 to office 08. maybe that is unfair though.

Aperture is awesome, you’ll love it (and the Mac)

Welcome to the cult, er, club Joe

my friends brother is running Panther on his Toshiba laptop…and no its not Ubuntu or anything that looks like panther…its Genuine panther

there isnt on the macbooks. yes, yes, i know you can have two fingers on the mousepad and then click, it would just be easier if it was its own button.

other than that, i love my tiny macbook.

acer 's

I LIKE MY ipod touch a hell of a lot. jailbroke it first day and got a few apps. Now i am just pissed off on how difficult it is to put music on it. via itunes. what a convoluted confusing and stupid program to simply "sync music to a player. half of the album artwork dosent show up. ive tried 3 other 3rd party programs to “fix” missing album info. and have close to 75% of it restored. Why the fuck wont it import the album artwork that is in the folder loaded directly from CD’s in windows media player?

the ipod touch is a baddass pocket web browser thingy… i dont konw if i would like a laptop tho.

ewww… mac’s

they make a decent product, but they over charge the shit out of people because they have that “hip/trendy” image. I used to LOVE using the old one back in middle school library, but the thing would always need to be rebooted :frowning: the paint program on it was cool though… always had a lot of fun with it

considering apple, for the most part these days, is using standard PC components in their machines, sans the motherboard, they should make a shift towards software over hardware development. I’d be willing to bet they’d take a nice chunk of the market share away from M$ (then again, they’d have to support a shitload more hardware configurations too)

I have a program @ home that I was able to fix this with… can’t remember the name of it off hand though, but it worked great. I’ll post back later for ya

Nope. A compareable PC laptop would be about 1600. Then warranty and such… I hate to say it … but the Mac isn’t as expensive as people think.

Dear god and if someone fucking says they have superior hardware. I’m gonna fucking flip.

I’m thinking about getting a macbook… they come with free ipod touches… thats almost incentive enough to get me to switch over :frowning:

Joe’s got a plan to convert me.

1.) Dual boot my office PC with OSX / WinXP
2.) Re-buy Adobe CS3 Master Collection for Mac
3.) Somehow wean me off CorelDRAW
4.) Get me some training for Premiere / After Effects / Final Cut Pro
5.) Get the company to supply an iPhone for me
6.) Iron out every other kink I can come up with for not using MacOS


I like my Mac, but not having Access is a big PITA.

Bought a Mac Book Pro over the weekend.


iMac pic taken w/ MBP camera

MBP taken w/ iMac camera

I am ordering my new MBP soon, i am starting college and i have been running a 4.5 year old Ibook G4. still runs strong, but need an upgrade. what are your specs on your MBP

:frowning: I have a macbook now. Its nice for photo stuff… But this “OMG its way faster” Is fucking bullshit. It lags, its slow, and it fucking crashes frequently.

IMO ILC setup PC > Macbook