FAWK. I've converted

eh that is sort of true back when they were using powerpc processors… now that they’re using intel the price points are pretty comparable.

The mac pro’s are super expensive though, the problem is if you are buying the apple upgrades (like RAM) then you get anally raped. If you buy your ram through a normal store like CDW or newegg, its pretty similar.

just using iMail and iCal

love my new mac also. nothing u cant do with it. i dont care what anyone says

I thought Mac people were supposed to be more open-minded and down-to-earth? :slight_smile:

I truly hope this is not a serious statement. The calendaring in entourage is HORRIBLE. Cannot comment on the project management tool. For email and calendaring I prefer outlook by a mile.

I’ve been thinking about a laptop from them. not a fan of the price, nor the lack of a forward delete key. (I know you can press apple delete or something, just a subtle nuisance). Also they are very expensive.

$1100 is not expensive for a good laptop.

pro’s start at 2k

welcome, now you need an iphone and your all set

I love how many people don’t realize that mouse that comes with Macs has a right click you just need to enable it.

I <3 macs

except the iPhone

This thread almost makes me want to try one. Then I remember how much I hate my wife’s ipod/itunes.

OK I still want to try one. They ought to have some sort of “try-a-mac-for-a-week” program. I’d entertain one for my next computer.

I’m with you.

I love my MacBook. Just upgraded to 4GB ram for $85 and its awesome now. Im sitting in the back of my car avoiding the rain right now.

and you can get an equally powerful pc for 700 bones?!?! im tellin ya man they are not worth it but w/e do what you want

lol there is no way you can get an equally powerful brand name laptop for $700

I miss my 17inch MacBook Pro and my 24inch iMac :frowning:

14-15" laptops > *

having a 17" laptop defeated my purpose for having a laptop. it was nice to watch movies, but the fucker was big. traded it in for a 14" widescreen and I was loving life

If the Mac Mini had an option for something besides on-board intel graphics I would be all over it in a heartbeat.

haha… I knew you would all see the light someday.



This is where you enable right click if you have a mighty mouse…